Chaos Era Continues - Cyno Update

Ha. Nullsec wasn’t risky.

really? do you not know what a mobile cyno inhib is? if you are hitting your PANIC in a rorq the second someone decloaks next to you, you may want to learn how to use your rorq properly.
no wait, let’s keep you in the dark. you will probably be a loot pinata anyway. thanks for the heads up

Does this mean caps are made of wood? We can build a bridge out of them instead, or just burn them.

but then CCP will just ■■■■ with WH space.

Oh, I’m not leaving. I’m enjoying watching CCP implode their game. That’s worth 4 cash account subs just to witness. I’ll be around to say, “I told you so …”


You’re going to be eating crow. This is the best thing for the game.

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imagine not playing the game, then taking some tritbrain high-sec miners ideas seriously.


so as a long time player i have seen many changes to the game. I have built quite a knowledge of the game and its mechanics. this patch will create a mass chaos for the high sec gankers as they will not have content for them to gank and get lots of loot, as for my corp we will now avoid high sec and low sec all together and we will build everything we need. as for the market bots they will slow down on their orders as they will not have the volume of sales any more cause the null sec guys will not risk a 300 mil ships for a small load of crap from high sec. so thanks ccp for making my wallet fatter each month as i will not have to plex all of my accounts any more .

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All the more reason not to fly capitals any more.

Cyno-ceptor gone.
Cheapy Cyno-frigate scout gone.
Blops still too OP.
Rescue-Domi gone.
Suicide-cyno pretty-much priced out of the market too.

If people don’t undock their caps then you get no shiny kill-mails. The risk reward is now BADLY effected.

When Bomber’s Bar run out of targets, well, don’t come to me moaning.


Can you fix the SP gore at the same time?

Training a cyno alt is a PITA to begin with and many of the skills don’t make sense anymore. You need racial cruiser V to fly t2 cruisers and racial battleship V to fly t2 battleships, and drone ships from destroyers up to supercarriers need drone interfacing V, and to some extent also advanced drone avionics V, all capitals need jump drive operation V, jump drive calibration V, and jump fuel conservation IV (V if you’re making a living off moving back and forth), covert cynosural field generator needs cynosural field theory V (just to be used, mind you).

And have you guys recently added up all the must-have skill-points for something as simple as a subcapital t2 shield cruiser these days? First you need CPU, PG, capacitor capacity and recharge, agility, warp capacitor use, propulsion module skills, overheating skill, hull HP, armor HP, shield HP is 768k alone, then even just to get tactical shield manipulation to IV is 181k SP, the resistance compensation skills all to level IV adds up quick, and that’s not even covering the skills to shoot or use drones or get into the actual hull itself.

And of course, only one remap a year, and the logical order of these skills is not a good idea if you want to be done in a quick manner. So until the character is completed for its intended purpose, its probably useless. Because first it will only train int+mem skills, then int+per, then per+wil, then mem+per if you want drones on all the ships that have token extra drones in addition to regular gun/missile firepower.

If eve day one had no SP, and it was literally a case of “fly what you can afford to lose”, then it would have been a lot better. Log in and play to make isk to buy/make ships to go pvp with. If you’re good at making isk you can be in a titan shortly, but then if you lose it you can’t just extract a decade of useless SP you trained without needing it, and then buy another titan (Or rorq, or carrier, etc). Subscription could have been just to get a concord license to insure ships (so no subscription is zero insurance and one account logged on at once, omega means you get decent insurance on everything excluding capitals, superomega means you get medium insurance on capitals and decent insurance on subcaps). So then it would be in CCP’s best interest to make wars something alliances aim to do (right now even if you mixed the moons up again it’d be not financially worth it to move the delve+fountain+querious+period basis 40tr+ isk infrastructure for moon mining and industry, to the new best region for mining. Unless you made it a whole lot easier to move infrastructure. In which case we’d get a new war every time you mixed up the resource distribution).

So my gut reaction still stands that this is a heavy handed and unimaginative approach to solving one of eves longest standing issues. The more I think about the more I like it, however I still think a more graceful solution can be found in cyno/jumpdrive spoolups and active countermeasures. So I hope this isnt the last change we see to cynos and jump mechanics since it doesnt actually fix the underlying gameplay issues caused by very powerful ships being able to instantly teleport with no counter gameplay, only serves to make it more expensive and trickier.

If this proposal has the long-hoped for effect of suppressing plex inflation, that’s one more advantage.

!Remindme 1 month
oh wait this isn’t reddit.

I’m accepting gifts of all you Unsub’s stuffs. Contract to me and I will be sure to use it properly in your absence.

@CCP_Rise @CCP_Falcon …What are you going to tell the board, when You lose over half your SUBS(real money coming into CCP funds) for these game ruining changes you have been making?


Rorqual pilots sub like the rest of us plebs? Well I never!

“Half” lol
All you Chicken Little’s have been crying about “half of the sub count” leaving every time, and I do mean EVERY time, a controversial change happens.
I just wish you would stop crying and unsub already.

Salt, like wine, should be sipped not gulped.

I pay for 4 sometimes 5 accts, just to support CCP. and many do

Bravo. Have a gold star.

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the sarcasm jet took off without you again huh?

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