0.1 Sec Status
1mil positive wallet
No Kill Rights
NPC Corp
Located in Perimeter - Tranquility Trading Tower
1 jump clone/Location Amygnon-Citadel 101
Remap ready+2 Bonus Remaps Available
Exploration Astero in ship hangar
Will be paying for transfer - Non Plex Transfer
Confirming 14b, that’s about as high as I’ll be able to go…
I’ll pay the 12 bil if still for sale…
I can accept the offer when back home on 2 February.
Will contact you to confirm your interest on 2’nd.
Confirming 14 bil, sorry I missed your mail Philip. Feb 2nd is fine with me.
Ok ill contact you on 2nd then.
So was 14b an accepted offer, or still for sale?
Im going to accept 14 bil as highest bid.
Thank you for your offer
Maizie_Fields 14 bil offer accepted. Please send isk and account information so i can start transfer.
Sorry, was away from the game for a couple of days. I’ll honor the original bid of 14 billion. Please confirm acceptance, I’ll then send the ISK and account info.
Offer accepted. Please send isk and account information.
ISK and account info has been sent. Thanks, Philip!
Isk and account information recieved and Character transfer started.
Thank You Maizie Fields
Nb! Please confirm after character transfer is completed. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](