Chat Member List Resize Issue

The chat window is better than it was in the initial release; however, I still have one big bug…

The chat window’s inner components (chat area, input & member list) can be individually resized. This provides nice flexibility; however, when moving my mouse across the window (without touching my left click button) the inner components - especially the member list - will be resized.

To fix it, I have to left-click, and then drag the inner components back to their regular layout. I’ll try to get a gif of this later that I can post as I know my description isn’t the best. - If anyone could do a better job, please do.

I think I’ve tracked it down to the middle mouse button. If someone could attempt to repo this and let me know that would be awesome. If you can repo it I’ll file an EBR.

Steps to repo

  1. Press middle mouse button (scroll wheel down)
  2. Move the mouse from right to left over the chat member list and towards the chat area of the window
  3. Observe how member list widens

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