Citadel showed on a news published in 2015

yesterday I saw a news that published in 2015 about new citadel, i really like their designs, but it didn’t seems like ccp put it in the game, so is there any way for me to get its 3D model for personal collection


Looks like a forizar on its side to me :slight_smile:


Looks like an Ice Citadel


Jovian Observatory concept ?

It was 2015, Caroline’s Star, these things decloaking everywhere (then getting partially destroyed), the first appearance of Drifter Holes, and everyone losing ships to the Drifters.


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Yeah, must be concept art from 2015. Don’t know if they ever made it to model stage.

I’m totally unfamiliar with the building of 3D models, but a search led me to a repository of EvE models on github (GitHub - Kyle-Cerniglia/EvE-3D-Printing). There might be something in there that you find useful. More importantly, the player who initiated that collection appears to be still active (at least in May 2023). His name is @Netan_MalDoran . Perhaps you can drop him a message ?

Another avenue might be to contact a dev from the art dept., to see if a 3D model exists, perhaps via one of our community devs ?

And of course there’s always r/eve where players showcase their models. Should be a knowledge base you can tap into :slight_smile:

Hope this helps.


is it legal to print a ship model with 3d metal printer for myself?

extremely helpful thx alot

You can, there are plenty of public files of EVE ships.

Just can’t sell it. (aka profit off of CCP’s IP and whatnot)


Its concept art, it likely never made it to an actual model, and if it did it definitely wouldn’t have made it to any of the public servers so you’re not likely to be able to find anything

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You can create everything with enough willpower.

What really grinds my gears is the hundreds of tiny lights they have added to everything. And some of the lights are moving to simulate NPCs or something. But i know its fake, and i know i cant interact with them. So it doesent work at all. It doesent make the game feel more immersive or impressive if that was the intention. Anyway whats done is done. I dont know why i keep posting here, the game is practically a dead man walking due to the terrible lack of quality content etc. over the years. Gamers can get more for less elsewhere.


all the more mysterious as your post has nothing to do with OP


the game surely has it own charisma, I’ve been on and off this game for multiple times already

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Yah CCP sure love their lights and holograms recently lol.

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I’ve been saying that for a long time, actually started way back when CCP first messed with the system sun and added haze in space and when they first messed with the in-dock station lighting.

This game is very very top heavy with graphics, basically too much frosting and not enough cake.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That needs to be framed.

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well i only adjust the graphic setting to high when i got a new ship,so graphic isnt very much a big problem

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