Client not working on Macbook Air M1

I’m getting a “Client assigned to ((myaccountname)) has closed unexpectedly” error. Loglite spits out the following errors:

error 2021-09-20T20:58:34 8 C:\tq\bin64\exefile.exe MacBook-Air-von trinity availablePlatforms Execution of DirectXRedist.exe failed (exit code 9009)
warning 2021-09-20T20:58:34 8 C:\tq\bin64\exefile.exe MacBook-Air-von trinity General Invalid Trinity platform dx11
error 2021-09-20T20:58:34 8 C:\tq\bin64\exefile.exe MacBook-Air-von client General Writing out stacktrace at C:/tq/logs/#stacktrace b1940200 2021.58.20 18.58.33.txt
warning 2021-09-20T20:58:34 8 C:\tq\bin64\exefile.exe MacBook-Air-von blue TaskletTimer !! timeslice {“time”: 415, “order”: 2, “what”: “entering”, “new”: “logmodule::LogTraceback”, “old”: “None”}
error 2021-09-20T20:58:34 8 C:\tq\bin64\exefile.exe MacBook-Air-von client general STACKTRACE #1 logged at 09/20/2021 18:58:34 : Exception in stack-trace-all, shutdown bombing

Common path prefix = c:/buildagent/work/d2d8a22a74178531/eve/release/release

Traced at:

/packages/monolithsentry/ set_sentry_crash_key
/packages/monolithsentry/ get_tags
/packages/monolithsentry/ get_client_tags
/packages/trinity/ _ImportDll
/packages/trinity/ _RobustImport
/packages/trinity/ Quit
/packages/logmodule/ Quit
        reason = 'Failed to import _trinity_stub_deploy ("ImportError(\'No module named _trinity_stub_deploy\',)")'
Thread Locals:  session was None
Stackhash: -110200354
Reported from: logmodule

error	2021-09-20T20:58:34	8	C:\tq\bin64\exefile.exe	MacBook-Air-von		General	bluepy.Terminate - Reason: Failed to import _trinity_stub_deploy ("ImportError('No module named _trinity_stub_deploy',)")

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