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How many of your claimed ~100 Omega accounts have you stripmined yet?

Odd, in nearly 11 years I have only had my client reset twice… both times were on my end.

1- New HDD and OS. had to do a complete reinstall after power supply failure.

2- Forgot to have client set to run as administrator after the reinstall and it never saved ANYTHING after a windows restart.

ccp doesn’t care unless he is using a program of some time to achieve that.

My 1 account also resets all the time and you cant save drone setups or UI placement, even chat channels get reset.

If it really mattered to you, you would go to and file the ticket yourself. Though you are incorrect in calling him a cheater when he thought it was okay. Cheaters know that what they are doing is not okay, but he believed that it is. That is not cheating, it is a mistake.

Solstice Ill take a GM words in chat over Salvos ISD statement any day of the week. Ill also take CCPs word for it, not just in thread but any other way they wish to contact me regarding my accounts or anything else in game. The fact that they havent had an issue with my gameplay should speak for itself. And if there is actual official CCP stance change Ill be right there.

Salvos I dont know why youre on a crusade against this entire matter but go on with your windmills Don Quixote. I SMH and grin at your shenanigans on the forums. :smiling_imp:

Its just one more rule that is more like a weak deterrent than anything else.


Using a Gm statement from before alphas when the rules were different is not ‘better than the isd’.
It’s begging for a ban because they specifically updated the eula with alphas to change the very aspect you are claiming is ok because it was ok years ago with a trial.

If you have ever used two or more non-Omega accounts simultaneously in EVE, you broke the rules that you agreed to when you signed the TOS/EULA.

Actually Post Alpha. And we were talking about how it was okay and wasnt okay.

@Salvos_Rhoska SMH Don Quixote… slain any windmills today? :star_struck:

You must have seriously misunderstood what they said, or are lying about what they said.

It is a violation of TOS/EULA for you, as the signer, to run more than one account simultaneously in EVE, unless all of them are Omega accounts.

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No this is what isnt true. The GM/Dev specifically stated its exactly like the old trial accounts. One per machine period. As it was the easiest way to police it as it is virtually the same thing just an extended “forever” trial.

No matter hwat you say or post the only person I will listen to are GM/Devs in this regard as they are the policemen, authority and judges that make these rules. You are a player and even an ISD, thanx for your hard work, are still just player volunteers without any true power in itself like a glorified security guard. But wanna know the secret to a security guard? Everyone has the SAME powers of arrest, etc. You are a player trying to change public opinion, thats great, but in the end Ill stand one what GM/Devs have spoken to me individually for my gaming questions.

Like Solescist said petition it if you dont like it. Its the best way rather than this childish finger pointing back and forth.

You may establish more than one Account for each copy of the Software licensed. You are however not allowed to play EVE by using more than one Account at the same time, unless you pay a subscription fee for each of the Accounts you intend to use for that purpose.”


Just stating facts.

Why don’t you just open a ticket and get the super duper GM answer?

What makes you think I haven’t?

Haven’t you?

He admitted to breaking the rules.

PS: Lol at using a character that hasnt even updated avatar yet, rather than the others on your ~100 accounts.

Bc you kept saying he broke the rules over and over and made some post to ISD as if you wanted us to do it for you. Which seemed odd as he admitted to using simultaneously Os and As ( which my understanding is not allowed as its by person) so it seemed like you’d get an easy win.

Because simply messaging a GM about someone else won’t get an answer. Because a GM saying it’s not allowed and saying we can post it isn’t going to add any new information into the thread.
It’s clearly stated in the EULA, it’s been referenced. The OP is just repeatedly shifting their story about what happened when as to being allowed to do it. They are wilfully ignorant or knowingly cheating at this point, and nothing more really need be said.

Certainly looks like he did according to his own testimony.
He also still refuses to accept the facts of what the rules are.

Not up to me, faceless new bro. Up to CCP.

it’s nearly 12 years old faceless bro*