Delivery will be in Jita 4-4, via contracts. Contract will be per item, for easy control measures.
Except when buying all, you will get 1 contract containing all in 2 cans.
Now available on discord
Q.Rush - BPC R Ush#2487
2/4 - 10 Run BPC - 3m per BPC (Price all)
95* Warp core Stabilizer II (270m)
85* Multispectrum Energized Membrane II (240m)
97* Ballistic Control II (270m)
72* Damage Control II (200m)
110* Gyrostabilizer II (300m)
108* Magnetic field Stabilizer II (300m)
102* Heat Sink II (300m)
117* Inertial Stabilizer II (330m)
85* Nanofiber Internal Structure II (240m)
80* Reinforced Bulkheads II (230m)
118* 1mn Afterburner II (330m)
110* 5mn Microwarpdrive II (320m)
32* Coherent AMC Type A II (90m) on public contracts
167* Complex AMC Type A II (480m) on public contracts
146* Simple AMC Type A II (420m) on public contracts
7* Variegated AMC Type A II (20m) on public contracts
All of the above 3.6b (extra 10% discount)
Nighthawk BPC - 19 runs - 50m for all
5* 2/4 - 1 Run
1* 5/10 - 1 Run
1* 3/2 - 1 Run
3* 4/14 - 2 Run
2* 3/2 - 3 Run
Eagle - 1 Run - 5m
3/2 - 1 Run
Zealot - 2 Run 10m
2* 5/10 - 1 Run
Flycather - 400 Runs - 800m
100* 3/2 - 4 Runs
Heretic - 4 Run - 8m
2* 4/14 - 2 Run
Paladin / Golem / Redeemer 8 Run - 100m
4/4 - 8 Run
Sin / Panther - 7 Run - 90m
4/4 - 7 Run
Happy Buying
Kind Regards
Quentin Rush
92* Ice Harvester Upgrade II (270m)
106* Expanded Cargohold II (300m)
Kronos 4/4 - 8 Run - 100m
Ishtar - 4 Run - 20m
2* 4/14 - 2 Run