[CLOSED] WTA/WTS 2 multipurpose chars (14m + 7.5m skill points incl. unallocatetd skill points)

WTA/WTS 2 multipurpose chars with decent names and unallocated skill points!

  1. EarthWater FireWind
    PW: 123789
    13.1m skill points + 900k unallacated skill points
    = 14m skill points

  2. EarthWind FireWater (that’s me :slight_smile: )
    PW: 123789
    6.1m skill points + 1.4m unallacated skill points
    = 7.5m skill points

Starting bid:
4b for each char

12b (EarthWater FireWind)
6b (EarthWind FireWater)

Reserve: hidden (will be revealed when met)

Auction ends 07 January at 20:00 hrs. Eve time or when buyout is met.

ISK to the char you buy please.
All CCP rules apply.

Both chars are located in Jita,
have positive wallets,
no kill rights,
positive sec-status,

Bonus remaps and yearly remaps available,

Each char has 2 x +4 implants, 1 jump clone with 5x +3 implants and a clean corp history (never joined a corp).

Any questions? Feel free to ask!

Happy bidding :slight_smile:

Confirmed, I’m for auction/sale.

10 bil for both

Thx for the first bid.
Auction/sale is ongoing …

Chars still available.

Only one day left. Go for it … :slight_smile:

6b for EarthWater FireWind

Only a few more hours. Go for it and take your chance !!! :slight_smile:

7b EarthWater FireWind

Auction failed, reserve was not met.

How much you could let it go then. What your lowest price.

15b for both chars.

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