-located in jita
-positive wallet and sec status
-no kill rights
-insta transfer
-2 remap
-located in jita
-positive wallet and sec status
-no kill rights
-insta transfer
-2 remap
i can offer 2.9 bil
HI, wanna buy your char - 4.3B, can pay rapidly.
accepted.pls send isk and mail acc name
4 billion.
Is this char still for sale? I’ll offer 4.5bil
5b isk.
sorry after 2020.02.10 i can only send it.
It’s ok for me. If you accept the 5b offer, i will send the ISK on 2020.02.10.
Please let me know if this deal is ok for you.
ok i accepted you offer. pls send isk and mail acc name./i ready to transfer 2020.02.10/
Ingame mail sent
i ready to transfer
3,3 bil
Will send 5B ISK and ingame mail with account info now.
I start transfer,
Character Name: Xepa
Will be completed after: 2/11/2020 4:36:46 AM
Thank safe
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