
Want to sell Hydra

140b B/O now lower offers

85B to kick off. Good luck with your sale m8!

Thanks for free bump

You mean the one you just bought for 124b?


116 bil

Trade for Virtuoso?

I think you announced on another thread yesterday that you bought a Hydra for 124B. Why would anyone pay more than that? You have literally defined the market price with your previous purchase, unless you have bought ALL the Hydras.

He definitely hasn’t.

you sell tyhem for 200b so you cant talk XD

1 Like

I list them for 200…

Daily bump

125 b

lol and also free bump ( this is how you get blacklisted )

Same (this is how we get you blacklisted)

Sounds scary. (In a world of alts online.)

Daily bump

this is scary

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