
WTS rare Chemosh!
Fully T2 Trimarked!
Offer me. Silly offers will be ignored, am not in a rush to sell

How much did you pay for it yesterday? :wink:

Doesn’t matter :wink: I’m just curious as no one is selling one on forums. See if anyone really wants one :blush:

what are they selling for?

50b :hugs:

Lul, that will be another failed sale… :slight_smile:
You are really bad at flipping things for profit, maybe try to earn isk some other way? :slight_smile:

Jesus mate you’re a different breed. bought a hydra tried to flip it failed then claimed I overpaid for my rag pilot yet you paid me what I wanted for it logged it in the next day bought a rag and died then sold the pilot taking a 5 bil loss now you’ve bought a chemosh and are trying to flip it 24 hours later for probably 5/10 bil more than you just paid. Seriously dude at least let the threads you’ve bought them from cool down before re-listing the items. Also WTS 2 Draciliras Smart Bombs will sell you them for a price you can actually make isk on since you’ve been throwing yours away recently.

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