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Invitation sent :slight_smile:

Just coming back to the game, I would love to get involved!

Hi, returning player. Would like to join!
IGN- “the duke088”

Returning player, looking for more involved play with a team I can learn from.
IGN: Shin-Hi-Tsu Mishi

Hi! my toon is DopeyDavey and im looking for a new corp

Mad H4tt3r.
Took a hiatus from null and the game really, due to alliance drama, and looking to get back to the fun side of eve. Thanks

Been back for a couple of months, but would like to try NULL sec life with a new corp. Zu’ Atar is my main.

Hi all!

Cheers for your patience; I’ve caught up with all the invites :slight_smile:

See you ingame soon!

Update for 2023!

Fraternity Academy now has access to the WinterCo Standing Fleet & Standing Fleet Voice Comms! Instead of ‘Combat Training Classes’, we encourage you to roam with us around our space; close enough to 24/7 content!

Hi, I just re-downloaded EVE few hours ago after many years of break. I don’t want to get the intense, old school style of gate camp and CTA company and just want to chill, maybe mining or ratting or join pvp fleet once in awhile. I was with FRT for a long time and donated all the isk and caps when I decided not to play more. But here I am again, US TZ speak English and Chinese. KB here BXTever | Character | zKillboard

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I’ve deleted the post instead of editing lol. Just wanted to add i have 7m SP and i’m mostly interested in PVP

Hey, i’m a returning player looking for a fitting corporation to start my EVE career with. EUTZ, in game name : Abdul Semah

Thank you, for receiving me and here adding to the alliance
I will try to help but I don’t have much experience in fleets

Excellent corporation for new starters to EVE - try everything and enjoy our calm atmosphere!

bien, necesitamos apoyo, el juego es algo complicado especialmente para personas de edad como yo que pase los 57 años…haha

BXTever - Wow, welcome back after such a long time! Happy to welcome you back to the team :slight_smile:

Abdul Semah - No worries haha! Invite has been sent!

Kuvick - Welcome back buddy, invitation sent :slight_smile:

hola, entre a la academy fraternity y la coorporacion de CENTURIONES IMPERIALES estan esperando que mine ,escanee ,o ratee para matarme porque dicen que no tengo permisos para eso , que no soy de la alianza.!! no entiendo.
Tampoco puedo saltar a mis clones de estudio en la estacion.
winter co no me reconoce como que estoy en academy fraternity
Integrantes de centuriones imperiales quieren matarme. quiero saber si pueden , si tienen permiso ? y si yo puedo hacer anomalias, minar o escanear en zonas de fraternity ?

player name is yungtate looking for a invite to fraternity for a few days now

Fraternity Academy is blue to Fraternity; CENTURIONES IMPERIALES should not be shooting you, I will speak with their leaders.

A list of the systems Fraternity Academy can use are found in our Wiki page:

Invitation sent :slight_smile:

Current player miner industrialist with 14 accounts … have been a member in winterco in the past and looking to get back into FRAT