Multiple character training is valid account bound, if im not wrong…
I will create another character on the account and see if I can transfer later today when I can login. But the price will be 18 billion
Ok 18 billion isk then
Please open a own Sales Thread within all Rules fullfilled.
Do it as Private Sale and invite you buyer too.
Is it possible to transfer the MCT to another character on the account?
Step 1. Stop training on one character.
Step 2. Log out from the character
Step 3. Try starting the training on the alt you 're interested in.
How difficult can that be ?
Step 4. If it does start, VOILA, if it doesn’t you got your answer, MCTs are not transferable.
That’s great Paul thanks, I just thought I’d ask first instead of driving home for an hour and creating a new character to test the mechanism…
I am pretty sure the MCT cannot be transfered but yet again they are account bound, only thing that transfers is the omega/alpha status, and thats till next DT.
Meaning, if your character is no longer in there, the MCT queue stays with the acc, therefore another alt may be able to use it.
Sorry for being sarcastic, so many ppl asking things that are actually a click away
@Paul_Kon is absoluteley right here.
Omega Status and MCT will stay in the Account and will not be transfered.
Thank- you both. I will create the private sale later today when I get home
If the character originates from an alpha account, the character transfered to the new account keeps the status of the account-origin, regardless of the alpha/omega status of the account it is going to, UNTIL Downtime.
A separate thread started as requested.
Please send the ISK and I’ll start the transfer
ISK and account info sent
Transfer started
Character arrived, thanks for trade
Nice dealing with you, thanks.
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