
all good brdr

Isk sent

isk received, please send account name to evemail

Sent account name and email

Still pending transfer, isk and info sent.

Made payment of 142 Billion isk as per the agreement posted in the Character Bazaar. Player is stating CCP will not take his money because it is Russian currency. He stated he submitted a ticket to CCP to fix and logged off. I still have not received the character, or notification of transfer.

hello confirm this
sent ticket request to support
did not got ant respond yet
hope get respond today-tomorrow

@Arvens_Parf, you need to submit a ticket using this link:

If this is not resolved in 24 hours, I will request that the amount of 142 billion isk be sent back to me until you can fix your problem.

hello! request to support sent 10 January 21.30
did not got any support respond yet
may be because of weekend

my apologize for long respond
got respond from support
please wait they help us

character available for sale
transfer will begin quickly in 1-3 days after isk received
all issues with support and transfer solved

142b and character go to you

bump available

bump bump

Assuming this was resolved and the guy was refunded?

hello yes i got this message

Hello Capsuleer, GM here.

Thank you for contacting the EVE Online Player Experience Team.

Regrettably, the buyer has asked us for a refund because of the delay in the transfer, so we can no longer proceed with the process.

We have provided you with 12 Omega days in light of the extended wait for a ticket response, and we thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Please feel free to reach out to us again if you need any additional assistance. Fly safe!

Best Regards,
CCP Player Experience | EVE Online

decided not sell

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You sure? I could send the 140? I was indisposed at the hospital for a bit so I wasn’t able to log on.