
As stated in the title I’m selling this character.
All CCP rules will be followed
This character will receive isk from sale
I will pay transfer
Character has positive Wallet
No Assets included
Located in jita
Character in NPC corp ready for transfer

Includes HG slave clone (Jita) - Can be seen on eveboard link
Midgrade Crystal Crystal clone (Jita)

Almost perfect Erebus pilot (still need Capital Railgun spec 5)
Can fly T2 Revelation


Price: 80bn

Contact ‘Alejandrah’ ingame with any questions. Please post any offers in this thread.


If you bump your offer up to 80bn we have a deal.

bump for the day

to the top

if you extract all the skills that are useless for the erebus i will buy it

for a good price

What skills do you consider useless. Or better yet you can buy it and extract them yourself.

i consider useless the dread skils since what i want is a focused erebus char

I won’t be extracting any skills. If you want the character you can buy it as is and have your way with it. Although Dread skills are useful especially with the ability to stick a titan in a keepstar

to the top

to the top

Price dropped to 80bn



make it 79 and we have a deal

character no longer for sale

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