This event idea that I thought of has many benefits, to many players, regardless if they are new, old, returning, noobs, etc. The event should be run by, “The Agency”. I also suggest that the event should last for a week max.
I have also thought of the background story that leads to the event idea that I am proposing. The some enemy hostile corporations have joined forces, and have carried out a devious attack against the concord. They have hacked the stargates thru out EVE, have reprogramed them to jump almost every concord ship into unknown dead space. The few concords that remain are now being used to secure solar systems that have very large trading hubs (ex: Jita), as well as sec 1.0 solar systems. Because of this, systems that do not fall in the description above, are now temporarily low sec or null sec until Concord Police are able to get the missing concords out of dead space. According to them it will take a week (the reason why the event should last for a week).
Now to describe how the idea event will work and some prize suggestions for the event.
The following shows a suggestion list of sec lvl changes during the event:
*Solar systems that still have concord security (as described previously) - lvl 0.5 (discussed why latter)
*orig sec lvl 0.9 - 0.8 -> 0.4
*orig lvl 0.7 -> 0.3
*orig lvl 0.6 -> 0.2
*orig lvl 0.5 -> 0.1
*orig lvl 0.4 -> 0.0
*orig lvl 0.3 -> -0.1
- orig lvl -0.3 -> -0.7
- orig lvl -0.4 -> -1.0
- orig lvl -0.5 - -1.0 -> battle field lvl (will be discussed latter on in this post).
The rewards work in the following way, there is a point system where players can gain and loose points as well. Everyone starts of at 0 points, this is not the minimum, the points can go in negative zone as well. Players gain points by killing hostiles, or they can gain even twice as many more points if they kill pkers or suspects. Players loose points by killing non-hostiles, and loose twice as many more points by killing a non-pker capsule. No points are gained or loosed by performing such activities in solar system that still have concord.
The reason why the still secure solar systems should be kept at sec lvl 0.5 is so that players who do not wish to take part in the event can do other things like mine, but at the same time they would not be affected by the event scince players would be able to mine rocks that are found all the way to sec 0.5 in the still secure systems. NOTE: IF A USER LOGS INTO THE GAME DURING THE EVENT THERE SHOULD BE SOMETHING LIKE A PROMPT THAT ASKS IF THEY WANT TO BE TELEPORTED TO A SECURE SYSTEM IF THEY ARE NOT IN A SECURE SYSTEM. The player will be teleported to a random secure system.
In battle field sec lvl users are able to gain or loose 4x as much points for their actions. However here during the time of the event players should be able to destroy the stargates inside the battlefield sec systems. The stargates will reappear every 30mins.
The type of prize is awarded is based on the sign(positive or negative) and the amount of points. There should be a leader board where players are ranked based on most negative points and most positive points. Players who have most negative should get prizes that are hostile faction ( shadow serpentis, or gueristas…), positive should get non-hostile faction prizes(caladri navy, gallente, …).
I hope people on this forum like my event idea.
UPDATE : In order to gain or loose points when doing capsuler to capsuler combat, both capsulers must be activley engaging with each other. Also one gets another x100 as many points for destroying dregought. While at the same time one only get half as much of the total points gained if the ship destroyed is a frigerate or lower.