Cormack’s Modified Damage Control: 46b isk
Cormack & Draclira’s Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane - 38b each
Tobias’s modified heavy warp scrambler - 21b
Tobias web - 60? mail me offers.
Gravid Abyssal Impnavy Plate: strong green rolls across all categories. 3b or best offer.
Post here or mail me ingame. Also looking to buy an Estamel’s EM Ward Amp, 5b
Bump! Still on sale, hit me up if you’re interested.
Still on sale, some of it going onto market, etc
17.2b for the Smart bomb? Thats the last sell price
Bump, thread updated w/cormack DCU on sale now!
Bump, also added an abyssal armor plate - all-green gravid roll on an IN plate, large armor HP buff, probably the best plate available on market atm.
I’ll take the cormack DCU.
Bump, thread updated w/new stock
I’ll also take the cormack eanm good sir
Sadly already gone. I usually don’t firesell my stuff, but I really needed the cash
If you need energized EM/kin/therm/exp membranes, I have top-end ones (chelm/cormack/draclira) cheaper than market; they’re better than a-types, so they buff up your passive tank a lot.
If you need energized EM/kin/therm/exp membranes, I have top-end ones (chelm/cormack/draclira) cheaper than market; they’re better than a-types, so they buff up your passive tank a lot.
I’m looking for a dracliras kinetic one if you have them WTB Draclira's Modified Energized Kinetic Membrane
PM me your price for a Draclira energized EM, Kin and Expl membrane pls
Stuff is still on sale, with NEW cormack EANM! Feel free to PM me if you need any highend officer gear, there’s a good chance I have whatever you’re looking for.
Bump. Corm EANM still on sale, but not for too much longer!
Edit: NEW DRACLIRA EANM added - 40b b/o, post or evemail offers.