CSM 15 - All You Need to Know

@CCP_Dopamine question about CSM member policy: if an ultra-hardcore RP CSM member’s character permanently “dies” (eg. biomasses their char), would they have the opportunity to appoint a successor (eg. an alt) or, in adherence to their hardcore RP, would they have to leave the CSM as their character no longer exists and they choose not to portray a non-existent entity? A number of interested parties are inquiring as to this technicality on policy

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I don’t see an issue with the question posed in the above post. I do not feel that “in game death” an obstacle. There is nothing in the rules to prevent the candidate from running for CSM.

Should a candidate be allowed to be threatened in game to relinquish their candidacy?

I have issues with the arguments posed in the thread linked. I have argued in favor of the potential victim.
While at times heated the debate continues to be relatively civil. I hope a better understanding can come about from this exchange on the importance/relevance of RP in the Eve universe.

A spiritual belief does not necessarily have a basis in (EVE’s) reality… or in CCP policy for that matter :grin: . Regardless, We await Dopamine’s reply.

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I see a very big issue with this whole situation, these people have disrupted the forums by constantly posting racist discriminatory hate speech about that player, they intentionally derailed that player’s CSM campaign thread with personal attacks and have continued doing it in other threads as well. They are purposely trying to make that player resign from running for CSM and if elected, be disqualified from continuing as a CSM member.

And to further their petty vindictive goals, they are actively pursuing and harassing that player in-game, looking to hinder and disrupt the game play sessions of that player with the ultimate goal of chasing that player away from the game.

These people are now trying to validate their actions by getting CCP to rule in their favor with the excuse that it’s all done in fun, that it’s valid emergent game play content done under the guise of role play, despite the fact that they are willfully violating multiple sections of the forum rules, TOS and EULA.

  • A grand total of one person made racist remarks. Excluding that, no hate speech has been made
  • Virtually all posts in campaign thread were of concrete substance. Several allies, sympathizers, and empathizers acknowledged or conceded points raised by opponents because points were valid rather than smears. Several flagged posts from multiple users were restored by ISD for this reason.
  • Candidate self-imposed rule they they would biomass themself if podded implicitly prior to and explicitly while running for CSM. That was all but an open, hand-written invitation to the community to test that commitment.
  • Player base has the right to know CCP’s policy on the extent to which they will or will not accommodate candidate’s hardcore self-imposed restrictions, especially since there are other RP CSM candidates running, and that many RPers expressed a desire for increased RP representation on CSM in the upcoming and future CSMs.
  • Objectives and scope have been explicitly delineated: griefing is not an objective. At worst the effort is akin to CODE (not intended to be), which is not persecuted by CCP.
  • Removing posts from forums will not eliminate the call to arms; it would only move discussions and efforts away from where CCP could readily monitor the situation and exert controls if they were in fact to get out of hand

We continue to wait for Dopamine’s reply on the previously inquired-upon technicality regarding hardcore RP + “permanent character death” in the middle of CSM.


OK, I’ve tried to remain civil about this whole situation but you’ve disrupted multiple threads with this topic and now have the audacity to post another manifesto that basically calls me a liar. Seems you’re bound and determined to make this personal and turn this into a full blown war.

You instigated and have persuaded others to do continuous attacks in multiple threads against this player. You and others have made racist remarks about Role Player’s in general and when other player’s brought that to your attention, you rescinded the statement against all Role Player’s and just turned this into a personal vendetta against the player running for CSM.

This whole situation is exactly that, a smear campaign that’s been perpetrated by you with the intention to intimidate and force a player to withdraw from running for CSM. By the way, those flagged posts don’t get reviewed by ISD until flagged a second time after the initial post has been edited… Quite frankly by allowing conduct explicitly forbidden by the forum rules to continue happening in these forums just makes current ISD members look like they’re not fit to hold that position.

You found out that was a role play aspect for that player and then out of sheer spite, invoked other players to continuously hound that player about it until the player affirmed that was indeed a RP aspect of the character’s persona, after which you then spearheaded a campaign to get that player podded, all the while emphasizing that the player must adhere to and follow through with it.

As with everything else, CCP will evaluate each situation on a case by case basis and then make their decision known to those involved. They will definitely not make a public statement pertaining to this issue or set a specific rule policy because people will always find a way to get around it. You could have just submitted a Support Ticket about this instead of continuously disrupting the forums and inciting others to do the same.

By the way, CSM candidates make all kinds of campaign promises which they don’t implement or pursue after being elected. You demanding that CCP implement a policy rule to force CSM members to follow through on their campaign promises is just plain foolish.

‘CSM Roles and Responsibilities’ - In cases where a member resigns from the Council before the end of their term, the candidates that weren’t elected may be asked to join the Council in a reverse order of elimination. In cases of Code of Conduct breaches or NDA violations, members of the Council may be dismissed by CCP. Further action may be taken when appropriate under the terms of the EULA and the NDA.

And this is exactly the excuse I said would be used in an attempt to justify and validate grief actions against that player. I’ve never seen CODE post threads in the forums inciting others to continually harass a specific player in-game, nor do they offer ISK to have that player podded in an attempt to keep that player from running for CSM. What you’re doing goes way above and beyond what CODE has done. You’re conducting Grief play against a specific player with the single intention of forcing that player not to run for CSM.

Allowing posts and threads of this nature to run rampant and unchecked goes against the forum rules that were specifically created by CCP. These forums have gained the reputation of being a toxic cesspool all due to their lack of enforcing those rules. The fact that players are taking advantage of it just makes everybody look bad.

I really detest nit picking with selective quoting. You wouldn’t like it if somebody conducted a campaign and recruited others to continuously harass and pod you whenever you entered the game.

Anyway I’ve wasted too much time on this and won’t be replying to anymore of your posts.


Don’t waste Dopamine’s time with that RP nonsense.


Yeah, he’s too busy not reading this thread elsewhere.


Why bother voting? As can be seen from the candidates. nothing but large nullsec corps.
If you don’t want to join a nullsec corp or alliance, you shouldn’t play the game.
Sandbox? The only sandbox here is in nullsec as part of a corp or alliance based there?
Improvements to gameplay? Only considered if you play nullsec corp/alliance games.
Risk or reward? Only applicable if you’re in a nullsec corp/alliance.
Don’t bother telling me that i should join a nullsec corp if i want to enjoy my EvE. Been there, done that, found more asswipes there than a toilet paper factory. Do this, do that, politics this, politics that, roam here, roam there, capital ship boredom here , there and everywhere.
For every nullsec corp representative there should be an independant high sec rep too.
Nullsec alliances have too much power in the game. They, more than anyone, will kill EvE off … oh and CCP’s willingness to bend over and take without lube in an effort to placate them,

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Why are you replying to me?

By accident. Don’t start feeling precious, you aren’t that important.

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Why bother voting? As can be seen from the candidates. nothing but large nullsec corps.
If you don’t want to join a nullsec corp or alliance, you shouldn’t play the game.
Sandbox? The only sandbox here is in nullsec as part of a corp or alliance based there?
Improvements to gameplay? Only considered if you play nullsec corp/alliance games.
Risk or reward? Only applicable if you’re in a nullsec corp/alliance.
Don’t bother telling me that i should join a nullsec corp if i want to enjoy my EvE. Been there, done that, found more asswipes there than a toilet paper factory. Do this, do that, politics this, politics that, roam here, roam there, capital ship boredom here , there and everywhere.
For every nullsec corp representative there should be an independant high sec rep too.
Nullsec alliances have too much power in the game. They, more than anyone, will kill EvE off … oh and CCP’s willingness to bend over and take without lube in an effort to placate them,


What are you on about?

Stop gibbering

At least make a point when youre being rude for no reason.


It’s still not abolished?

Thank you, that is all I needed to know.

Now abolish it.

Starts with “why bother voting” then complains about nullsec for five minutes without breathing.

The reason nullsec gets people elected is because their players vote.

Not that hard a concept, dude.


Why bother replying apart from the pointless shite that you are.

They sell these in the Merch store :wink:


I’ve got one. I put the high quality salt in it for guys like Annoing.


Your a pain, now I have to buy one! :grinning:

A total joke.

There’s no representation in this supposed democratic election for small corporations, alliances or independent pilots.

The reality is (and this has been true for all the time that I’ve been playing) if you want to stand any chance of actually being elected to the CSM you have to be a member of a big corporation, or in a big alliance, in something like Goonswarm or CODE and no one else stands a chance because only these groupings can marshal enough votes to give their chosen person enough votes to secure a place.

If CCP really cared about ‘democracy’ then they’d set up ‘constituencies’ to ensure that all pilots had a voice, not just the ones with the most economic power (meaning that, in effect, they can buy votes and a place on the CSM) and/or influence in the game.

If there were constituencies and you could vote for a representative who came from and was a part of a corporation/alliance like yours then I might even take the time to cast a vote, but the reality is that I simply don’t care whether it is Pilot A or Pilot B from Goonswarm, CODE, et al who gets voted in.

They don’t speak for me, they don’t represent my point of view and to be honest, I doubt they ever will.

I apologise if this sounds tired but it’s the same BS every year and it’s so bloody boring.

Either change something to make it really representative CCP or just stop trying to pretend that it’s democracy. It really isn’t.