[CSM 15] January Valentine

You have our vote

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i added another name to my list.

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I just finished an incredible interview with CSM candidates Loroseco Kross, Stich Kaneland, Phantomite, and Torvald Urus on Fayral and Blood Ruin’s incredible Less than 10 podcast. They’re focused on small gang and we talk for well over an hour on these topics and how they relate to our campaigns. Check it out in about a week here: https://lessthan10.podbean.com/


Yeah pipe down Wilhelm - don’t need all that unnecessary distraction - if you don’t know who January is, do more listening/reading.

January - you have my vote.

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I wish you success, has enjoyed your work greatly so far, especially 2019 recap.

Are you concerned with NDA restrictions CSM position might put on your content in the coming year?

Not really. I work with CSM candidates for shows and I fully understand the NDA restrictions they have. Many of those restrictions deal with upcoming changes by CCP and we really don’t cover far future changes but deal with the here-and-now.


I’m doing an IAMA here on /r/eve if you want to talk about me and Eve: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/gp2tkc/iama_january_valentine_for_csm_15/


Something which I think January missed in their campaign post, and a big reason why I will be making room for her on my ballot, is her incredibly capacity and dedication to doing the research. A lot of people claim to have knowledge of subjects, but will rarely go out and ensure they have hard evidence to back up their opinions, and January is one of the few people who go to those lengths when trying to make an argument.

This is an invaluable potential tool for any CSM member, as well as the CSM as a whole, to convince CCP to take the courses of action which best meet the facts on the group. I have confidence in her to be able to ask the right questions to get CCP to look at the right stats, and ensure that CCP’s perspective on the game matches that of the players as best as possible.


I had a great interview with @DTM135 who graciously allowed me an hour to come on and talk about my campaign. Take a listen here and follow/subscribe to his channel, the man does great work.

It was a wild ride but I just finished my interview with CCP who was very kind of have a series of interview for perspective CSM members on their twitch. I talk a lot about my core beliefs and history as a producer and it is a very nice summary of all I hope to be on the CSM. Find it [here].(https://www.twitch.tv/videos/634599962?t=01h42m19s)

Really hope you choose to run again.

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