Still recruiting.
Contact us !
You get better action in a youngpuke 2 fleet.
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FW shenanigans
Still looking for more pilots !
Contact us
It’s gonna be a long evening.
Once again, Providence is going to be the center of PvP in New Eden.
Contact me, i’ll get you set up for your best time in Eve Online !
First blood here :
Like a Tuesday,
Errbody’ and their dogs were in Provi again tonight.
Join now you’re missing out !
Featured CVA corp of the day :
- Assistant for Tax Fugitives [FUASS] [CVA]
- PvP and FW only
- english language
- requirements: min. 5m SP, omega preferred, PvP experience if possible
- Wealthy Tax Fugitives [WTFUG] [CVAA]
- PvE, Mining, Exploration, Incursions, Abyssal, hs hauling and newbros
- english language
- requirements 2.5m SP (preferred) but less ok as well, Alpha or Omega
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Featured corp of the day :
Executor corporation of the CVA alliance
Recruiting all pilots, vets and newbros alike
A good night… A red night