Curatores Veritatis Alliance

07 Capsuleer,

Almost two years ago, the Curatores Veritatis Alliance started a crusade to retake its home region, holy Providence. With the help of its allies, it met with the utmost success. Fighting is still fierce, and not a day goes by without a defensive or offensive fleet, a roaming fleet or a call to arms from allies.

Whether you are a rookie pilot or a bitter vet, you will find what you are looking for under Providence’s skies. If you’re new, we will set you up for the rest of your space life by showing you the ropes and providing infinite content. We have work for PVP enthusiasts, miners, traders, and industrialists.

Are you a bitter vet looking to recapture the feelings of your golden days? Look no further—we need more soldiers, more capital pilots, more FCs. Hordes of enemies crash against our gates every day. And when they don’t, we are engaged in Faction Warfare with the warzone just three jumps away.

Couples fights of late :

Get in touch !
Hop on the Auth and get the discord link, or get in touch with a recruiter.

See you in space O/


Won the grid. Lost the Isk.

No honey for Minmatar fl33t alliance tonight.

Our ennemies are exhausted, so our people fall back on hunting neutrals in our space, join them !

There isn’t much left of the ennemy.
But still… It must be destroyed.
Join now !

Fightin minmil everyday. You know where to apply for pvp

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Save your soul. Join the Crusade.

Recruitment team is waiting for you !

Come and participate in huge fights too. Server literally crashed

We took care of some ennemy’s infrastructure.

VIOLENCE going on ! Where you at ?!

Yet another huge battle
Come get some content ! Newbros will be trained and helped

Fireworks on an unauthorized structure

Amazing job by the boys

We took a punch in the face :

We punched back !

Join the fleet ! We’re killing ennemy caps !

Still recruiting !

you missed on all this! join now !