[DCOM] is seeking all players interested - only SP requirement is III in scanning skills!

Welcome, space farer!

Domionist Commonwealth of Confederated States [DCOM] is recruiting new members!

Killboard: https://zkillboard.com/corporation/98653013/

I’d like to an extend a hand in the abyss that can be eve - while it can be overwhelming at first, the game can be incredibly rewarding once you meet a few people. DCOM is a newbie, community-focused corporation centered around teaching players how to play the game, find content, and build yourself up with other similar-minded folk. If you’re interested in contributing to a budding new corporation, there are opportunities for advancement as well! We are a PvP Wormhole corporation, living out of a C3 with a Low Sec static and continually hunt throughout our chain for content. The only requirements are some scanning skills, the ability to fly a tier 1 explorer frigate, and a willingness to learn.

✪ Zero drama - we’re all here for a good time
✪ Newbie oriented/all SP welcome - only need scanning skills
✪ Buybacks for nearly everything
✪ Solid amount of ship contracts in home space
✪ Weekly WH Explo Bounty Program
✪ PI in home system has all owned POCOs
✪ Budding Industry - Production, Reprocessing, and Research!

DCOM is looking for:
✓ Players with the will to learn
✓ People to grow/network a newer corporation
✓ People able to participate in PvP as well as krab
✓ People owning Mics is preferred, we use Discord as communication
✓ People who are interested in playing other games as well as Eve, during lower content days

If you’re interested in Eve Online at all, are returning to the game, leaving some larger corporation from ping-fatigue, or just want a change a pace, our discord link is here:

Or you may drop a message in DCOMS Recruitment channel, looking for Mack Saoirse, merci halo, or bandht ungabungas.

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