

just a good and goofy groep of ppl that want to have fun

Join our discord server and lets talk,

If you are looking for a laid back null sec alliance come have a chat with us today about joining razor! We are one of the longest null sec alliances ingame and have been around since 2005. If you’re interested you can come chat with us today in Razor Alliance Public Affairs

Looking for more options to pick from. will make a decision within the week.

Evening mate, we’re a mixed LS/HS Coalition, we’re not specifically focused on any singular sector of the game as we’re a melting pot of Indy and PvP, FW and other focal points, so our current goal is to expand those areas a bit more and then focus our skills.

TZ’s range from US/EU/AU (more than one Aussie bro, I swear)

We’re active practically around the clock, if you’re free for a chat, you’re welcome to come to our discord, which’ll be linked in our ad below, there’s a lot more info there if you want to browse, our YT channel also has propaganda for your amusement and our silly fleets as well.

still polling

We are an affiliate in the Asian time zone and are looking for companies in the USTZ. If you are interested you can add me to DISCORD kabu#1590

Check out CVA, we’re growing in US timezone. Very storied alliance with a lot of history rebuilding from the ashes.

I would like to have a chat to see if Kybernauts Clade is right for you and your crew.
Join our discord and we can chat when you are available.
You can check out our newest ad on reddit to give an idea of us.

I look forward to talking to you.

Got plenty of blood to spill down in Esoteria - our alliance (.RHP) is always looking to expand its USTZ core. Come fight with us!

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