Delve, Goons and the MERs


Then answer it, instead of this wasting of forum space and everyones time.

What is this trash. Just answer the question.

What is your point with all this?

Im not the one making a point.

You chose to interject in to my reply to someone else. I have no obligation to you.

You don’t have a point, in other words.
Just random off-topic trash posting about DP.

If you say so.

Returning to topic despite Ramonas shallow attempts to derail and lock it:

Goons are the ones that took BoB down.
BoB haven’t existed for years.
This thread isnt about DP, either.

This thread is about Delve and Goons, not BoB.

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I have to admire this kind of thinking. It sets up a very nice “argument” that is totally impervious to any and all replies. Every reply can easily be co-opted into the delusions of the poster. If I agree, well that obviously feeds in. If I disagree, clearly I’m a shill for Goons (heck I’m in GSF, so that’s obvious). It is impressive to be able to completely insulate oneself from any and all criticism or logical challenge. Of course, the problem is if you are totally batshit insane nothing will get to come back from being totally batshit insane.

That is how I see Dinsdale’s posts, the posts of somebody who is totally batshit insane.

Dinsdale’s position is protected by logical fallacies. Anyone who disagrees with him has clearly drunk from the poisoned well or drank the Goon Kool-Aid. It is awesome for Dinsdale because he can just simply respond to any and all opponents with “Pfft, you are Goon shill, therefore you are lying.” It completely and totally shields his view from any logical challenge. That is why I tend to ignore him, responding to him, or even reading his posts (generally speaking) is a complete waste of time. It is like taking Alex Jones seriously. Feel free to do it, but then you’re probably a nutter too.

No, Dinsdale would be having paranoid delusions about BoB.

Dinsdale is paranoid and delusional and his position is totally unassailable via logic.

The topic is not Dinsdale paranoid delusions.



Salvos, good luck fighting the propaganda / deflection machine.

I have not done the calculations for this MER, but a goon in one of blogs re: the previous MER that 92% of all bounties were generated in null sec. So by a quick eyeball of the latest MER would suggest that goons, who used to make up about 10%, at best, of paying subs, generate 30-40% of the free ISK in the game. And given how many alts are involved, who knows how massive the concentration of wealth is.

One thing can be certain. Based on the tax rates in Delve, a very very small number of people in good leadership have trillions of ISK flow through their hands every month.

Now, the population number is impossible to precisely hammer down, thanks to CCP being terrified to show how many paying subs they have lost in the last 3 years.

Bottom line, no game can continue to flourish under these conditions. We have ample evidence this is happening with the CCP sub base.

So guys like the goon shill personally attacking me are under orders to control the narrative on the forums, with the tacit support of CCP. It is bad for CCP’s reputation when people speak truth to power on their official forums, and it is bad for goon leadership’s business when they are exposed, so they work together to shut down any discussion of it.


I think it’s safe to say that they’ve lost control of the narrative at this point. :slight_smile:

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Let me just clarify things, I liked your post even if I do not totally agree with you in some areas.

There was a very biased ISD and he was the lead ISD, he went after you and he also went after me, he overstepped his bounds to such a degree that he got removed. He was stupid because he made it easy. Teckos is wrong to call you insane over that, because he was biased.

I have had a Goon alt stalk me on the Eve forums, I found out that he was a Goon alt due to his stupidity, he was a Goon leader but now barely plays. When AG started popping freighter wrecks with small ships, the long term discussion over wreck EHP which had not moved suddenly became very important and got changed. Endie the CEO of Bat County whose corp was the main freighter ganker took over the effort to change wreck EHP, he was at one point a top Goon. The speed of that change shocked even me. That change made it clear to me that there was something rotten going on and that was on top of the earlier decision to suddenly allow hyperdunking which shocks me still. I am not so sure it was the CSM but more to do with close links with old players.

I got vicious forum attacks when I pointed out that all those players I met when I first started and was mining in hisec no longer played the game and they had all been subbed, I also got attacked when I said that I was in an organisation in Star Citizen and I came across 10 ex-Eve players and 8 of them were hisec miners who left due to the uncontrolled ganking that followed the destroyer DPS buff. I got stalked from that point on, it was interesting in that as soon as I started talking about the impact on subs I got stalked on the forums. So as a test I pointed out just how much the freighter ganking benefited the Goon killboard which was terrible without freighter ganks and the stalking got more direct and nasty. It made me think a bit, but as they did nothing to me in game I was not sure, though I am not exactly an easy target in game.

Still I cannot say that Teckos is a Goon shrill, I first came across him in the AFK cloaky thread which he seemed to police in pushing a certain agenda or ideas and he was quite forceful in attacking anyone who had the feeling it was bad for subs. I think his thread here was misguided, because attacking the Rorqual now would make no sense because the rest of Eve is trying to play catch up, they (CCP) already screwed the opposition twice now with nerfs…

I have reduced my posting on the forums because hisec now is a waste land in terms of gameplay and the damage has already been done. But I was only in hisec because Dominion sov was so bad in terms of game balance, as soon as I saw Aegis sov system worked I was able to enjoy 0.0 again. This game is so good in so many areas, in truth it is what you the player do and make of it, many players seem to forget that, I really love the capital play, the way that all fits together really works in my opinion.

This thread moved onto the situation in terms of Structures and what the Goons are up to, the fun part is to see if they can do it.

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From someone that just repeatedly claims him to be “batshit insane” as their only rebuttal, that isnt exactly very convincing, and is very ironic.

Wow, just wow!

To be clear, I am not saying he is a loon because of anything ISD has or has not done (I am completely ignorant of the entire incident you are talking about–and any sort of stalking, etc. is just bad). I am pointing out that conspiracy theorists usually set up their “theories” in such a way to render them impervious to any sort of criticism or fact checking. Anyone trying to do so is automatically categorized as “a member of the conspiracy”. I don’t care if they are attacking Goons, PL or whomever. It is just nutty nonsense in my opinion when one starts to postulate clandestine processes for which there is virtually no empirical evidence and any evidence to the contrary is waved off as fake and those pointing out such evidence are members of the conspiracy and are in fact proof of the conspiracy. It is a really neat trick to turn the lack of evidence into evidence, but for those who are evidence/reality based don’t buy it for a minute.

As for this thread, it is based simply on the notion that trade is good. That Goons are farming away in Delve like crazy certainly benefits them. I do not deny that. But it also has positive benefits for the rest of the in game economy as well. Doesn’t mean you have to like Goons, that you can’t come shoot us, wardec us, etc. But there is at least a silver lining there.

BTW, Drac, we went into Tactical Supremacy space a few nights ago. It was awesome. We were in claws and our FC said, “Well we might all die here, but lets go.” Your guys responded pretty damn quick and chased us off in short order. Was fun playing cat-and-mouse with them. Don’t think we lost anything but we had to be damn careful. Our FC even said that if we go back with another FC who takes a casual attitude he’ll likely get the fleet welped.

It isn’t just that though. The entire position rests on an unassailable set of logical fallacies with the primary one being guilt by association fallacy (or is it No True Scotsman?). Anyone daring to disagree with him is automatically a shill for this clandestine conspiracy. There is literally no way to penetrate the beliefs with any amount of evidence, data, etc. Hell that is exactly what he did in his next post. I am attacking him, not because he is a conspiracy theory nutter, nope…I’m doing it because I am part of the vast Goon conspiracy.

For example, if I pointed out that Dinsdale’s claim that Goons get 30-40% of the “free” ISK is off by more than a factor of 2 would it work? Probably not. I’m a Goon and therefore I’m peddling lies. Of course, looking at the data in the MERs would confirm that I am right (Goons get about 15% of the NPC bounties out of NS, and even less for all of New Eden). And second, it is not “free” ISK in that it entails an opportunity cost. Goons may have reduced that opportunity cost via things like good tactics, but still it is not “free”. One has to trade their leisure time for that ISK, and leisure time has value. But if I tried to make that argument he’d just say, “You are a Goon and therefore a liar and everything you say is designed to further your master’s machinations.”

Anyhow, I have mentioned his name too many times. I’m sure he’ll write a post calling me a Goon shill again. Frankly I would love to be a Goon shill if it paid good ISK. Is it related to Koch money? I’d love to get some of that action too? Might as well go whole hog. :roll_eyes:


That may be true, but repeatedly just calling him batshit insane is also an unassailable fallacy to which he or others cant respond without being automatically labelled as batshit insane too, or conspiracy theorists themselves, and thus disregarded by rote.

DPs meta is well known, as is your opinion of him and his views.
If you have evidence to disprove his statements, go ahead and argue with them.

One-liner shitposts from you, Nicolai, Ramona etc that just call him insane etc are fking tiresome reading and just spamming up the thread.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Let him have his say. Nobody is forcing you to respond.

Responding with fallacies just re-inforces the impression there is indeed an agenda trying to discredit/shut him up.

This is true of everyone though.
We all benefit each other with what we introduce in/for trade.

Somehow trying to claim that as a “silver-lining” on Goons part, is “spinning” the issue, and an attempt at narrative change.

Judging from import vs export figures from Delve, its quite clear Goons are exporting very little, except isk, of which they are now, and have been for some time, the far largest isk generator in EVE, utterly dwarfing others.

I like Dinsdale was subject to classical character assassination type forum attacks, which are designed to déstabilise the person, I found it pretty lame because I had seen it all before. I detailed what I said which was anecdotal and impossible to prove (only CCP had the data and I am not sure they had the data from the period I was talking about) and the reaction to me was hysterical and nasty, it is pretty clear that the approach is to make the person bitter and angry, especially at CCP, and they often succeed, but not with me.

I read what Dinsdale said in the past and some of it meshed with what happened to me and what I have seen, he is not batshit insane, he is also critical of how CCP have run the game, I think Dinsdale and I would agree with the stupidity in letting casual chill hisec players get pushed out of the game, most of who were subbed and it was especially stupid when it was all based on game balance…

I also saw that CCP was pushing people to go into nullsec, Dinsdale noticed that too and commented on it more directly then me, but I had been in nullsec and left due to Dominion.

Your first post was pushing an agenda or so it seemed to me, again nothing wrong with that as such, most of the competing alliances don’t want another Rorqual nerf, they are playing catch up, I had the impression you were trying to block any chance of that and I would agree with that premise. I am very aware of teh structure of hisec manufacturing being mainly nullsec players and how that works.

I gave an example of where an old player well in with the devs got a change applied which was very beneficial to his corp members and their activities and it destroyed emergent gameplay. We all see different power blocks using block voting to get their man into the CSM, influence is important.

When Dinsdale was most vocal was during the period when CCP was trying to push players to go to nullsec and seemed to be in some sort of co-operation with nullsec alliances, I did not disagree with making indy more efficient in nullsec because it made the Empire creation game more interesting…, but the Dominion imbalance screwed that by making you such easy prey…

I know people complain now but the reduction in jump range, jump fatigue and the Aegis sov system have made things better at least for what I have seen, I also think structures have made the game more interesting too.

Dinsdale is not batshit insane and you are wrong to go down that route, as Salvas said his earlier posting was pretty good.

As for my alliance, there are some especially good players there and I have fun with them, many of them are ex-Goons… Thanks for the praise, I will pass it on.

PS I wish Dinsdale would look at the game now, he should also realise that constructive posting of ideas on how to get casual chill hisec players back is a good idea.

December MER:

Look at these figures.

It is absolutely beyond dispute, that Delve (ie: Goons) are utterly and abjectly dwarfing THE ENTIRETY OF THE REST OF EVE on a number of key metrics, especially mining/bounties/production/import.

(It is rational that Goons also do a substantial amount of pre-fabrication in Forge, for shipping home, so the difference between Forge/Delve is likely far less than presented, in terms of how much of that production ends up in Delve .)

The above has been going on for MONTHS already, and shows no sign of abating.

The differential between Delve (ie:Goons) and the rest of EVE, combined, is so staggering, that it renders the onus of this thread, as how much isk Goons spend on non-Goons, almost completely arbitrary, ridiculous and irrelevant.

Its barely a footnote compared to these stats and what they show is happening.

This not even yet considering the reports of how many Caps/Titans Goons have built, compared to the total reported amount in the rest of EVE.

No wonder Teckos is attempting to spin Goons import value, as somekind of “silver-lining” or charity that is “good for the rest of EVE” :smiley:

Everything is fine.

Please ignore our Goon region:
the rest of most of you combined.

Its actually a good thing for you!

Lets instead call DP a batshit insane conspiracy whack-job repeatedly for a few dozen posts!

PS: Salvos and Drac are stoopid trollolols! They dont know or understand anything!


Best to scroll down some and check data for yourself. Double check it at source if you have doubts. Then draw your own conclusions.

Delve (ie: Goons) generates:

  • <1% of all EVE export.
  • 21.4% of all EVE production. (28.5% excluding Forge)
  • 34.7% of all EVE bounties.
  • 41.3% of all EVE mining.
  • 51.8% of all EVE import.

These do not include J-Space figures.

I cba to cross-reference/investigate export from other regions as possible Goon colonies/proxies fulfilling the Delve import figure. Doesnt really matter anyways, except as strategic data for Goon antagonists, and I’m not paid to research that by any of them.

TLDR: We are witnessing an organisation engaged in the most perfect totally controlled internal economy, on the widest/most protracted scale, we have ever seen in EVE.

The <1% export figure vs 51.8% of all EVE import, alone, is astounding.
That entails total control, and implies everyone in Delve/Goons being motivated/mobilized towards a shared goal.

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