Dev blog: Black Desert Online makers Pearl Abyss to acquire CCP!


Im gay

Premium learning stat underwear is a thing in BDO?
My god…


may I dance with you :heart_eyes:


So … .how much will… the walking in stations expansion pack cost?

i’ll wait.

perhaps send me some SP packages as well besides those stinkin skins!

From the BDO forum.

Im kinda amused about the Posts in the Eve Forum Thread. They are calm, peacefull and optimistic. The exact opposite of this Forum and its Users. I wonder how it will end xD



ikr, the riots will soon start

Tbh i want p2w ships. Tech 3 battleships is nice

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Well, sort of.

Its more that they just didnt fill in the gaps and it sort of happened from there.


yea but alph life will be very hard … ( eg. 30% trade tax )

Tech 4 $300 cruisers please

My favorite movie about bussines :star_struck:

Is there a term in the English language for the phenomena where someone switches from “x will never happen, you are crazy to suggest it” directly to “x is happening and it’s fine don’t worry”? There really should be.

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If alpha goes away, this game is going to be a thing of the past. Alpha has been a thing of EVE since the beginning. There are even players who have played EVE for a long time, and have never been Omega, and they do not feel bad about never being Omega.

It really would not be fair if Alpha was removed from the game.

Do not worry they will !

They specifically permit it, they dont just let it happen

it is fully endorsed.

An Ex Hard-core BDO player reviews the game’s latest iteration, a graphics enhancement for a broken game with Massive P2W features;


I am looking for indestructible carrier :heart_eyes:

this isnt a good thing, you know that right?

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