No no reddit …seem like there is only one way left for me to reach out everybody but that covers not only whole player base but also whole gaming wold…
But i dont want to go that way… i will not … i want this to keep between us and CCP. Have you seen the general feedbacks post ?

We might be just players … but cmooon they are not DEV ing wow playerbase or apex legends …No dont belittle those games at all… but none of them can measure up with eve about complexity and interconnectedness and requires that much tormendous amount of management eve requires

Its fricking EvE …

NERD rich envitoment …

What they are hiding ? Can they hide it ? Can they provide positivity by only talking about themselves pisitive and crediting themselves?

Those are all the way wrong strategies…

They do insult their own player bases intelligence

Whats the tl;dr of this? I don’t want to read a 200 page essay on my lunch break.


So, you want to drag us into that crusade?
I’ll pass.

For the most part because I have no problem with Eve being a game that don’t appeal to everyone. People can always go play different games (or read a book for a change, whatever).

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Nobody told you to write. Post was for CCP . And content of the OP is wake up call for CCP analyse reasons and come with solutions. Not to destroy them …

Use your brain
why i do sit and write for hours, ude my real life expertise and experience , analyse cases , come with structure and solutions IF I WANT TO DAMAGE AND CRUSADE .,

Have you even look at it and if you understand what you read ? Right ?

If you have a crusade stay away from me dont imply that on me . It is unfair

No TL :dr . And its not for player base even… and posdobly not something everybody can grab… dont bother rat your launch and
Bon apetite

Why not? I have a medical condition where if I stare too long into the abyss, the abyss stares back at me and I go into a coma. You are not being very equitable here for those of us with medical conditions.

Why do people do this?

You can email ccp and it will stay between you and ccp. They won’t be able to lock your email nor will they block you.

But if you write it on the forums, its no longer between you and ccp. Its now between you, ccp and the entire eve community. This is a (somewhat) free and open forums where anyone can read and write. And ISD will lock your thread once it gets out of hand.

You want to talk to ccp? Open q support ticket or email them.

You want other people coming in and criticizing you, which eventually leads to a locked thread? Come to the forums.


Post is for CCP . Not really player friendly . Subject is alteady complicated. Original version can be as well 300 pages … o have only picked some less emberassing examples and i constrain myself. If something is not working and person not aware about it why it is not working you explain first the reasons then you suggest solutions … if they dont understand ground problems your sugestions only condemned to bee seem arbitrary.
If you prefer to listen and interested we can get in comms i can explain the mechanics

So what? You posted it in General Discussion. Shouldn’t have done it, If you cant deal with the idea being discussed.


EVE is dying™ and only OP can save it.


Because CCP wants this kind of sugestions and feedbacks to sent to eve. Online forums. There is nothing i can do

This is only way . Sory

If you write it here on the forums, then the post is for everyone, not just ccp. Thats how an open, public forums work. There is no expectation of privacy here.

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No, you can submit a ticket through the support page. Or email ccp directly.


If I understand the situation correctly OP got on the nerves of CCP / support / ISD to the point was simply directed to post here instead as they no longer care to put up with OP’s stuff.

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When CCP told you to make a forum post about it they didn’t actually mean for you to make a forum post which would then be read by them. What they meant is “go away”.


There is no privacy here yes . So people who wants to read they read … People who wants to write about the OP they write …, nobody has to answer the post if they are not interested.
That text requires some lvl of education in the area or long read ups… there is may be one or two in CCP who can grab it …

I have also freefom here to express myself the lvl suitable to my voltage. You cant blame me for that

Please comment for OP content off topic not allowed

Please comment about OPs content

It doesn’t take a high IQ or a lot of education to read, or write, long ramblings of crazy men and women.

Yes, people like to watch a train wreck in the making.

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Can you write anything regardinh to the OP content ? Thats the subject right?

Makes sense.