Disasterpiece LTD - Hunting for Horde Disasters/~ (EU/US) ~ FC Programs ~ SRP ~ PVP ~ Industry ~ Trading ~ Nullsec ~ Pandemic Horde ~ Biggest Standing fleet in the world ~\\

EU/US-Based Corp with Diplomatic Representatives from India, England, and Ukraine

Ми є корпорацією, що базується в ЄС/США, з дипломатами з Індії, Англії та України.

Welcome to Disasterpiece LTD - A fresh corp with astronomical ambitions, we’re part of the illustrious Pandemic Horde alliance. Veterans and rookies alike, your thrilling journey into the stars begins here!

What We Offer:

:dizzy: A diverse, vibrant community eager to conquer the cosmos.

:wrench: Expert mentorship and support for those embarking on the exciting nullsec adventure.

:studio_microphone: A dynamic voice chat environment via Mumble and Discord for tactical talks, strategic planning, and friendly chatter.

:moneybag: Full ship SRP for fleet op losses and rewards for fleet attendance, because we value your participation.

:mortar_board: Regular PVP classes where you can learn the ropes and improve, no pressure to be perfect.

:milky_way: Access to the largest standing fleet in the game and regular mining ops for high-yield moon ore in nullsec.

:shopping_cart: A bustling marketplace rivaling Jita, right in nullsec’s heart.

:rocket: Exciting, large-scale roams across nullsec’s breathtaking expanses.

:briefcase: No recruitment fees, our running costs are covered by minimal corp taxes and occasional corp ops.

:waxing_crescent_moon: Access to multiple 0.0 and nullsec systems with a spectrum of industrial opportunities like Rorqual mining and corp mining systems to support corp and alliance programs.

:package: A corp Mineral/Ore purchase scheme and a supply of barges to get your mining operations started.

:alarm_clock: Active defense fleets across all TZ’s, providing protection round-the-clock.

:busts_in_silhouette: Welcoming multi-boxers for those capable of handling more than one rig.

What We’re Looking For:

:medal_military: Active pilots committed to our shared nullsec dreams.

:studio_microphone: Effective communicators with a mic/headset for seamless operations coordination.

:bulb: Team players ready to support their corp mates and achieve common objectives.

:rocket: PVP enthusiasts of all experience levels, eager for some action.

:gear: Individuals ready to step up in various roles, including Head of HR, Industry Officers, and HR team members.

:stars: Pilots capable of participating in ops, assisting in home defense, and attending several fleets throughout the month.

Joining Disasterpiece means being part of a squad ready to make a mark on EVE’s lore. We see each battle as a blank canvas and every crisis as a chance to create a masterpiece. Become part of Disasterpiece, and carve out your own legacy.

Ready to Sign Up?
Join us on Discord: Disasterpiece /
Visit our Website: Disasterpiece LTD"

Still recruiting!

still recruiting

still recruiting



Lets go!

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