Yes, the fibonacci sequence is included and is found in many parts of nature.
For those who might not know, the Fibonacci sequence goes, 1,2,3,5,8,13,21 so you are just adding up the last 2 numbers and adding the result to the end and then repeating and this continues to infinity,
So if you count any acorn or flower with petals you will find the number of spines or petals will always be a number featured in the fibonacci sequence. Very Very strange.
I guess it depends on what people are prepared to accept as proof, many will want to ignore that the Golden Ratio and fibonacci sequence are featured in nature across the entire universe, on the other hand many will accept this as proof.
Whenever anything has a pattern does this mean it has an architect?
How do you know it’s found across the entire universe? have you been to Candyhammer on the Cosmic Lung or something? Most humans haven’t even left their planet yet.
Strange, all of the numbers in that pic are featured in the fibonacci sequence. 3x3, 2x2, and 1x1 is there also. You could add another block (34x34) and continue to infinity.
2000 = 2
2001 = 3 or 2 = 5 or 6, 11 or 2, or 30 or 3
2002 = 4 or 4 = 8 or 16, 24 or 6 or 124 or 7
2003 = 5 or 6 = 11 or 30, 41 or 5 or 451 or 10
2004 = 6 or 8 = 14 or 42, or 6 or 588 or 21
adding the adding 7 and 10 and then finding the difference from 21 = 4 or the next lower number that should be discovered like 2 and 3 was.
Yes, so black holes may just lead to wherever or whatever the foundation the universe is built upon which would have another set of rules.
Also there is a black hole at the center of our galaxy and the golden ratio is visible when we look at our galaxy as a whole. The weight/gravity of the black hole seem to dictate the formation of the golden ration pattern.
They have determined a black hole is formed when some sort of weight threshold is broken, so an object that is too heavy seems to fall in on itself and create a black hole. So does the universe have limits just like a computer system? All of these topics and questions must be fully investigated before we can ever get to the point where we say aliens do or don’t exist.
Fibonaci curls that are proportional to various points on the human body, when layered over galaxies that are proportionally the same size, could be relative to the galaxy containing life.
Once such systems have been determined to have very similar attributes to the Milky Way, size, shape, density, gravitational spin, number of arms, ect, then said galaxy could be said to have come from the same region and point in time, relative from the Big Bang, where the rooting of life took place. Then like a tree, the Fibonaci Galaxies would then have branched out with life,buds,showing up along the galaxies travel path of its birth to its final location.
Math is only language developed by humans with which to describe the things humans have some knowledge about, we dont know how much knowledge is there to get into. We will be unable to get to it physically, we nevertheless live thru it, ignorant but overconfident.
Before math everything existed mathless, it didnt use math. It used itself.
Math is nothing magical, its nothing from god, its flawed as human mind.
Understanding what world is transcends mind and math.
I believe only in death we truly “experience” world on the most basic, most true to the form level, we become it on the level that transcends human understanding. Its not conscious experience as we know it tho. Then you are not the mind, you are the world again, time doesnt exist for you also and is not recognizable by anything you become.
Its return to the source.
Hypotethically, when you see stars on the night sky, you see every creature that could have ever lived.
I disagree, light has been here since the beginning and it has always travelled at 186,000 miles/sec. so that value (186,000 miles per second) has always been there we just needed to discover and understand the numerical system. Yes, we designed a way to refer to “186,000” but that system was already there. An alien civilisation on another planet would arrive at a similar kind of understanding and they would have their own way of recognising “186,000”. we would also need to understand their metrics we use miles, km, cm, mm, inch, I wonder if an alien civilisation would have a similar system.
Black holes have been forming for billions of years, as I mentioned earlier there seems to be a weight limit in the universe where if a body weighs more it will collapse and form a black hole, We should be able to attach a numerical value to the weight at which a body turns into a black hole.
TLDR: Maths has been here since beginning of time.
You are using relatives.
Light travels, in space, miles and miles. One mile, two miles, three miles, that is what you noticed. But to notice something you have to remember it. Imagine yourself without memory. You will understand how to live without time.
Time is forever present, one moment must lead to the next only going in one direction and it will not stop just because there is no one to experience it.
You still dont understand. Time doesnt exist, that is why it doesnt have to be stopped, it doesnt have beginning, it doesnt have end. It doesnt exist.
What exist is a system or relatives and scale of those relatives. Its not one moment after another, its your brain function, its placing multiple memories in a system of relatives. That system changes constantly, that you experience as time, its an ilusion created in mind.
Everything happens now.
Everything changes in system of relatives now.
Everything changes in your mind and in the world now.
Before math everything existed mathless, it didnt use math. It used itself.
Math is the measurable, testable and repeatable attributes for all energetic reactions that take place in Einstein Space-Time and Primordial Space-Time.
Before humans began to wonder and use math to determine to the factual nature of space-time, math still existe. 1 acorn + 1 soil = a tree = which equals carbon intake and produces oxygen as energetic by-product of chemical and atomic processes, an exhaust system if you will.
The interactions between the components of atoms has mathematically been around for billions of years, thus math has been around for billions of years.
No, it doesn’t. Light itself is timeless. No time passes for anything travelling at the speed of light. This is a fact any science reference book will tell you. To the external observer it appears as if light takes time to travel from A to B. But to the light itself, no time passes at all. This is a direct result of Einstein’s theories. It is the very reason time slows down and stops at the event horizon of a black hole. It is the same reason why a person travelling very close to the speed of light could be gone for millions or even billions of years yet to them they are gone for just a few years.
No, light is not timeless. If light was timeless then light from the other side of the real universe would be able to be detected by astronomers.
No, time does not stop at the event horizon of a black hole. The reason light and time appears to stop inside the event horizon of a black hole is because Einsteins theories do not stand up in the event horizon because Einsteins theories are based constants where light is the measure of all velocities.
“From the perspective of a photon, there is no such thing as time. It’s emitted, and might exist for hundreds of trillions of years, but for the photon, there’s zero time elapsed between when it’s emitted and when it’s absorbed again.”
Please stop trying to pretend you know what you are talking about.
Gravity slows time…an effect that has been precisely measured even on earth as time runs imperceptibly slower on the surface that it does at the top of a skyscraper. This effect becomes hugely magnified near a black hole, to the point where at the event horizon time appears to stop relative to an external observer. It’s nothing to do with Einstein failing at the event horizon…it is an effect predicted by relativity.
Also, photons being timeless is basic science. It is a direct consequence of relativity, and is precisely why the speed of light is the same for all observers no matter what their speed relative to each other.