Drifters vs Capsuleer's news as 10?

I don’t think the new CSM is in place yet. There is a handover period due to the need to have the NDA signed, etc.


I do. TED - Temporal Estimation Device. We use it at work to foresee software requirements before users know what they want.


According to Aryth on the Meta show wow edition and i quote “The entire CSM is against this” .

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Politicians out of touch with the public mood?

Only in a game eh!


That’s an interesting belief. Common, but just not really supported by CCP’s data on losses, especially since the wardec changes.

There’s 1212 highsec systems and 1202 of them present less risk than new players face against NPCs in the rookie and career agent systems.

Grabbing the summary from Dotlan from the ESI data:


The second most violent system in highsec is a Caldari career agent system, where the losses are nearly all, new players dying to NPCs. Same for #4, which is a Gallente career agent system. Same for #7, #8, #9 and #10, which are also all career agent systems (Caldari, Amarr, Gallente and Caldari respectively).

Six of the top 10 systems in highsec for ship loss are from new players losing ships to NPCs.

Of the remaining 4, Ambeke is dominated by losses to Triglavians, leaving just 3 systems of the top 10 where other players present risk. If you stay away from Jita and Perimeter, you elminate most of the risk all together.

So new players face more risk from NPCs in their first few days in game, than nearly all of the rest of highsec players face on a daily basis.


I wouldn’t take this from a goon at a face value…

Don’t you come in here with your facts and data to General Discussion.

Do you think we are trying to have a rational discussion going here? I just want my biases confirmed by others!


So Mittani’s lapdogs have started yapping :smiley:

Lovely more Salty Tears, from the bot brigade :smiley:

This is the best thing to happen in EVE in YEARS :yum:

Keep it up CCP, Definitely keep going :rofl:


But you did not make any comment about Niarja did you? :stuck_out_tongue:

OK. A question to no-one in particular. The above is a not-particularly subtle post. But why on earth was it flagged?


Some Mittani-lover is going round flagging non-hagiographic posts containing his name - happened to me on another thread.


That’s the only way they can apply their same information filtering they do on “other” forums.

By the time it is un-flagged, the thread has moved on and far less will see it than if they didn’t abuse the flagging system.


I make sure to read all flagged posts.

I would think some poor tender little hello kitty fan flagged that post.

I have some CODE players following me around flagging my posts because I blocked them, it is a strangled cry for attention which I find highly amusing and pathetic.


Not often I’m stumped by one my fellow forumites. I had to look that one up.

Dude? You telling me you don’t click on every grayed out post?

As do most here, I’m sure.


I think you may be assuming too much.

I usually find those the most entertaining, if a little unhinged at times.

Unfortunately the new flagging system is still being used for forum PVP, though it seems to be settling down a bit.


Maybe because calling people dogs is an insult ?
That’s a reason why I would flag it if it wasn’t already.

Mostly to dogs


especially when people say they follow a mitten.

Maybe they meant kitten.

That would be adorable.