Edencom ships banned from helping Edencom fleet

CCP never pretended that EDENCOM would be anything other than the most conceivably-niche ships that could possibly be introduced into the game. Several threads have been posted about making them more general purpose, but they were never intended to be useful solo at all whatsoever or even in most PVE/PVP fleets. This is not necessarily a bad thing, it just means that players need to stop demanding of them what they never promised to provide in the first place.

The relevant questions are:

  • should the niche be expanded while retaining its core identity and mode of operation? (ie. Without turning EDENCOM into Not-EDENCOM)
  • should the performance be improved within its niche? This is what CCP just did, and it was a rather generous buff pass considering the potential EDENCOM ships bring in cases where it shines.

@Famout_Highwind your thread is not the first and will not be the last when it comes to rebalancing/repurposing EDENCOM ships, but ideas like this really should be posted in the Player Features & Ideas forum category for peer review instead of being pitched to Assembly Hall where CSM members might not give it the time of day without prior community consensus. I advise you to change the forum category - you can do so by clicking the edit title button (you don’t actually have to change the title, but the button allows you to change category).