【ENORN】 Free 3rd party services and Alliance/Corp Creation

Used this service today for alliance creation. It’s still active despite the gap in forum responses.

Sent in-game mail to both Elizabeth Norn and Alliance Creation Norn, then pre-invited Alliance Creation Norn to corp. Once online, it took about one minute. They even double checked the wallet settings to avoid disbands.

Would recommend and even left a tip. Thanks again!

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Great and fast service, would definitely recommend it <3

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Used the Service, very nice, quick and easy :slight_smile:

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Hello sorry wanted to ask if you create the alliance it means that you I will need to contact you to get a logo for the alliance?

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Nope. The executor corp’s CEO contacts CCP for that.

Still creating alliances.

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Excellent service as always! 11/02/2021
Donation of 50mill for his quick/trusted service!

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is the service still available?

Are these third party services still available. I may have need for them soon if they are available.

It’s been a while, but I’m still around.

If you require any services then the best way to contact me is via Discord (Elizabeth Norn#8073) or email (ylizabethnorn@gmail.com). You can also EVE Mail me, but I don’t get notifications for this on my phone.

Merry February.

I’m still available.

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I’m still alive, and still providing various services free of charge.

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I contacted this service yesterday and less than 24h later, the new alliance was created with the exact ticker and name asked for. Fast and reliable work, thanks!

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