Entertainment: real or virtual?

I prefer my entertainments to be real.

I prefer my self-destructive outlets to be virtual… with a hint of real. The best ones I’ve found so far are timed. They’re… let’s call it gray-market, because nothing’s really illegal for us… sims that use the pod implants… and the first thing they do is block access to your awareness (and memory) of your pod implants. It’s not that you can’t remember what you’ve done, but the mind just… shies away… from the idea that you’re immortal.

Imagine it: not having that safety net anymore. Not having that hideous, obnoxious feeling of safety in what you’re doing… and what you’re doing is almost always dangerous, to some degree.

Everyone seems to want ‘visceral’, but in the end, if it can’t really kill you for good… it’s all just a theme park roller-coaster. And those got dull a decade ago.