Game worked fine until I loged out at 1am I try logging back in at 10am and i get that red box… Sugestions?
Already Tried
1: Processor kill of launcher
2: System restart
Times are eve time
Game worked fine until I loged out at 1am I try logging back in at 10am and i get that red box… Sugestions?
Already Tried
1: Processor kill of launcher
2: System restart
Times are eve time
same story bruh
Same here! Servers down?
Try it again?
I got same error 5 mins ago, but in now
same problem, in Germany
same problem
Works for me now.
Same Issues here currently. A corp member complained of this yesterday.
EDIT: Found a Reddit thread that may help:
ok what ever you did to fix it thanks alot it is working for now lol
Thanks mate that fixed the bug and I put your link in the OP
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