ESI: Bad Request - Request Too Long

This is the error message reported to players when ESI chokes on account verification, when changing accounts.

Can you fix it already, kthks.

FYI …The only time I have run into this is when requesting too many scopes. To many scopes + particular usernames = request to long

Yeah, but if you implement things so that the content length exceeds your configured server max content length, then you log in to the server and increase max content length.

Except that a url can only be so long (2048 characters) this cannot be overridden via any config

Use less scopes, the error will go away

I am simply explaining why you are getting the error.

You have to request almost all the scopes at once (which you shouldn’t be doing) for it to reach max url length.

So Make two calls with the scopes split up. It’s really simple and gets around this issue.

Fly safe

No, you are blaming me for CCPs error (and wrong in about almsot everything you say to argue for it).

I see you convinced CCP that asking you clarifying questions about your false statements were not allowed on their forums, so they deleted the questions - but not the statements.

Since I am not allowed to ask you to clarify your statements, I will apparently have to do it for you.

As I user I can not use too many scopes. The 3rd part program makes the request.

The 3rd party program can not use too many scopes either, it can only pick from the scopes CCP has made.

There is no such limit.
HTTP states a minimum length that should be supported, not a maximum.

From 1999 "The HTTP protocol does not place any a priori limit on the length of
a URI. Servers MUST be able to handle the URI of any resource they

So assuming you were right about the scopes are transmitted in the URL, CCPs ESI does not even comply with the 25 year old requirements for HTTP/1.1.

Now it is has for a long time been the case that Microsoft browser (last I can find right now, confirmed to still be an issue in 2016) had a limit of 2083 characters, but others browsers been higher (with at least Firefox confirmed above 100k in 2006). Serverside however the 2006 numbers were Apache 4000, Microsoft Server being configurable (without recompiling) at 16,384.

So unless CCP uses Internet Explorer (maybe Edge too), as a server, the limit should be way above 2048, even if the list of scopes is transmitted in the URL.

1* RFC 2616 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 (RFC2616)

EDIT Numbers from 2006 listed twice, removed one.