ESI read_skills.v1 issue

I’m having difficulty with the ESI API reading skills. I have it included with my application scope but it doesn’t show as a required scope when logging in with SSO and using the token on the skills endpoint says its not valid for that scope? is there a step I’m missing with skills as part of the scope?

There are two places where you need to add a scope:

  1. In the related SSO application on CCP’s developer web site
  2. When creating a new token for a specific character by your application

#1 defines all possible scopes your application can request. #2 creates a token with specific scopes (which can be a subset of #1) for a character.

Maybe you specified the additional scope at #1, but not at #2?

Btw.: In general you might also check out the tweetfleet Slack for ESI and SSO related support questions. Those usually respond faster: SSO | esi-docs

Yep you were right, I forgot that scope is requested on login. Joys of picking up a project that I haven’t touched in 6 months and forgot all these little details.


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