I was wondering why the data I get, and even the data EVE Swagger gets, is not updated accourding to in-game data.
For instance, in-game, a system is >4.0 ADM index, but on my tool, it still is <4.0 ADM index.
On Dotlan as well.
Why is that ?
Is my request badly built ?
Or is that intended ?
For what reason ?
Why prices, for instance on market hubs are almost “live”, while they change every seconds, and thousands of changes / updates are made, and ADM, which are fewer than items / orders / order updates, are not ?
What is the actual “update cycle”, if there are any ?
Does it only update at DT ?
Is that the only type of data that is not “live” ?
How can you tell which data / request will be updated at a certain paste ? In response Headers ?