Hi all,
I have found that the new upcoming of the XML deprecation will remove much if the current information exposed by the Planetary Interaction XML api calls.
Just as an example while the entry line for a Colony at the XML will provide all this information: ( /char/PlanetaryColonies.xml.aspx )
The new ESI api call will be as sparse as this sample: ( /characters/{character_id}/planets/ )
“solar_system_id”: 30003283,
“planet_id”: 40208301,
“planet_type”: “lava”,
“owner_id”: 92223647,
“last_update”: “2017-07-20T19:14:27Z”,
“upgrade_level”: 4,
“num_pins”: 11
We will be able to locate the name of the system but not able to go beyond that point.
I request the CCP impRoves the resulting data for Planetary to at least be able to show application users some meaningful information and not just identification numbers.
Thank you.