Eternity Inc. Is recruiting

Have you ever thought “Man, it shouldn’t be this hard to make ISK and have fun!”?
Have you ever struggled to PLEX your account or buy that next shiny ship?
Have you ever wondered where you’ll find a community that supports you and your goals, whether it’s to destroy every non-blue in sight or make a mountain of ISK by trading, industry, mining, or PVE?

Eternity Inc. is a corporation focused on providing meaningful endgame content to its members whatever their interest. As a member of Eternity Inc., we have access to all the tools and resources of the alliance. As a member of Goonswarm Federation, we enjoy the benefits of a highly organized content delivery system and communication network.

We are responsible for the defense of the homeland and supporting Goonswarm Federation in its wars of conquest and retribution. That means we need pilots capable of PVP that are able to be self-directed and self-supporting. You will also be expected to have demonstrable PVP experience, or be willing to learn. Logistics, e-war, and capital pilots are always welcome.

As a member, you will be based out of Tenerifis but be able to live and work wherever the Goonswarm Federation flag is planted.

Some of the benefits of membership:
• Highly organized training and mentorship program. If there is something in EVE you don’t know, or want to learn, there is a person to help you.
• Ship replacement programs at the Alliance. This has the net effect of reducing your costs to PVP nearly to nothing.
• Content in every time zone. We have FCs available around the clock searching for and delivering content to you.
• And more!

Join our in-game channel eternity.recruitment and let’s talk about what we can do for you.

Eternity Inc. is a NO Scam corporation. What this means:

No one will ask you for isk to join.
No one will ask you to trade your assets to them in order to get you out to null. If someone asks for these things, you are getting scammed and you need to notify a Recruiter immediately.

I joined Eternity Inc in 2007, and never looked back. I am yet to encounter a more helpful and friendly group of people in EvE. We have grown and evolved together in this game. Whether it was helping me build my first titan, or showing me how to live out of a POS, or how to organize large scale logistics, I have had the opportunity to experience the most complex aspects of EvE.

Eternity Inc. is not only a place for endgame EvE content, but a place where you can form meaningful friendships.

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