EU player looking for eu nullsec corp

Hey there,

I have been away for a couple months and looking for a new home.
I’m looking for a eu based nullsec corp that preferable also does smaller gang roams.

i have 50m+ skillpoints but no recent kb activity

I’m not interested in space politics aslong as its a good match im happy so im alright with any coalition or allience or whatever. It is however very important to me that there is a strong eu presence.

thank you in advance for taking the time to check me out!
Kind regards,

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Have a look at our topic, we might be a good fit for you. If you like what you read, you can hop in our discord so we can have a chat

o7 Fly safe

hi there m8

just make sure to check uso ut below


hello have you had any thought on joining a EU WH groups if so if you have any interests on joining us. Regrediens.

hey man, i remember you from GCLUB, come have a chat with us and see what you think.

Oreet bud am looking for vets my corp is in sov null we own our own space there is plenty of pew pew if you want it RL come’s first with us all and we play for shits and giggles i run a chilled corp i you fancy a chat jump on our discord and say hi :wave:

We are a PVP, Manufacturing and Trade corp. Apart of Of Blood Drive Alliance that holds Assilot constellation soveriegnty in Cloud Ring, subsequently apart of the Phoenix Coalition. Were all vets here to help pilots, build, grow and learn. Its a Casual laid back environment and were on USA Central Standard Timezone evenings And UK. ((10 - 12 active). Convo Darkrune Eastblue or Blue Lee. we would welcome you and deliver the experience that you are looking for. We all play on our own time so real life does come first and foremost. I believe you would find what your looking for with us.

Join our Discord!

Hey there, 418 wh corp could be your next home. Amazing corp with amazing people and daily onlije full of EU people. Message me ingame and come speak to a recruiter :slight_smile:

Hi Penny,

I have no idea how I missed your post, I am torn because I hope you’ve found your new home and your happy BUT I really think we would be a perfect place for you given what you are looking for.

Check our our full forum ad but come have a quick chat on our Running with Dogs Discord Community Server