{Eu TZ} Returning Toons Looking for PvP Home 70-80m

Hi Osric

Glad to see you back online in EVE.

We are a medium sized corp within The Initiative. and we are proud to be the fourth oldest corp in our alliance. Most of our members are playing EVE from almost the very beginning.

Although English is the main language within our corp, we are multi cultural as the alliance is. We cover different time zones and our main focus is PvP. However, a corp/alliance member can participate in what ever activity the desire is. Be it mining, exploring, PvE, PvP, WH, production… you name it.

You will find a more detailed description for our corp in our advertisment:

Should you be interested, we are happy to welcome you in our recruiting in game channel ‘Thunderkitty’ for an interview.

In the meantime, we wish you and your relatives a Merry Christmas

Fly safe