We are a new Corp settled in a C2-HS/C4 looking for people interested in WH space. Join us if you are interested to build something new and make friends.
What we offer:
New Player Friendly: Interested in WH but don’t know how? We will share our experiences and grow together.
Free Doctrine Ship for PVP: We are new but don’t shy away from pvp. Current Doctrine is cheap and effective for some pvp fun. We also do faction war periodically. Free friget ships for handout.
3rd Party Tool Support: We use Discord for communication and Pathfinder set up for wh mapping.
0% POCO Tax: Very good PI in our WH and no tax.
What we are looking for:
Omega Account
Active Player in EU/East US TZ
Up for PVP when content comes to our door
Can Speak English and want to hang out on comms
Contact Silverbee330, Cul Lix, or Bruce Clapdale.
Public Channel: Public Swamp
Discord: The Swamp