[EUTZ/USTZ] HOO as Corp in Init. is looking for active players

You know, real life has you in its ice cold grip, when you don’t even find the time to bump this posting here and there… But it is also a good reminder, that you should check in to EVE… It is also a good reminder for you, that we currently only have limited recruiting and that you, yes you, might be the right candidate to join us.

If you don’t know, where you can find us, just join ‘Thunderkitty’ in the game

see you there o7

I had 10 days time to get an idea, what to write again to bump this topic to the top again. But I don’t have to make things up for a bump.

I am writing about the best corp in Eve as member of the best alliance. Not much else to say than, come to Thunderkitty and lets have an interview there. We are currently limited recruiting but maybe you are the pilot we want to call a HOO member.

Sunday, bloody Sunday… oh wait… That would be Monday…
A new event is on the horizon. Crimson Harvest… A good moment to collect stuff, make ISK and travel through Zarzakh again… yeah… The pirats left and Zarzakh is a good short cut again.

But I am sure, you know that already. But do you know us? I assume not. Otherwise, I would have seen you in our recruiting channel ‘Thunderkitty’. Maybe I do soon?

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Autumn has arrived… Mist in the morning, mist in the evening… the rain starts pouring down… the temperature starts dropping to a more reasonable value… the lights need to be switched on at 6pm already…
Why not use the time to play a session of Eve? Why not use the time in Eve to join a corp? A great corp? The best corp?

Visit us in ‘Thunderkitty’ and see, if we would fit.


I don’t have a story today to bump up our recruiting topic… that is, why I use an ordinary “bump”

One more week and we are back to the real time. It will be brighter in the morning, when I have to get up but on the other hand, sooner dark in the evening. On the other hand, I don’t have to close my shades on the windows, while playing Eve ^^

Said that, join our recruiting channel ‘Thunderkitty’. May you will find your new home with us.

Halloween is over… no more trick 'n treat for another year… is that so? What I can say for sure is, that nobody gets tricked in our corp. And everyone is treated as valuable member. But in exchange, we expect also participation in corp and alliance activities (fleets) plus of course the other things from the initial posting :slight_smile:

See ya in our recruiting channel online … fly safe

How many days until Christmas? Not as many as there were in January :face_with_hand_over_mouth: You know, we have a tradition called ‘Secret Santa’. Participation is voluntary but I heard that the gifts are most of the time amazing.

However, it shouldn’t be the reason to enter our recruiting channel. Our fantastic corp should already be reason enough :upside_down_face:

Come and join us. Let’s see, if we can have a future.

I almost missed to write you my weekly story. Well, here you are.

Another week is ahead of us all. Don’t get me wrong… I love my job and I love to get up every morning to log in into work. But I am honest with you. I even love more to log into Eve. Reality is, real life comes first. And that is also our policy.

We do not value Eve higher then our lifes and we respect everyones real life needs. As a corp member you can always talk with us, should real life requires your attention.

Yes, that is a more serious story this week. Life is not always fun and laughing and stuff. Supporting our members during such times, is one of our many corp strength.

You wanna learn more?

I totally forgot to write my story of the week to bring our corp advertising to the top again.
Shame on me.

But frankly speaking, I am already looking forward to the Christmas season… looking forward to my vacations… looking forward to spend more time in Eve.

What about you?

Is it just me or are the weeks passing by so fast recently? It is already December again and the Winter Nexus event is already at the door, knocking wildly. I’d say, we let in in, before it breaks in the door.

Oh, you are knocking as well? Then come in and have an interview with one of our recruiters :slight_smile:

psst… listen… I have to tell you something, you might haven’t noticed…
looks around
wwwwwwinter has arrived
continous looking around nervously
Do you see the snowflakes in some systems? They are influencing my DSCAN. Maybe you can fly with us? Two pair of eyes see more than one

If I start singing or humming the most unliked Christmas song, are you going to AWOX me? I’m convinced, you know exactly to which song I am referring to ^^

But this is not about Christmas songs, although it is only a bit more than a week ahead of us. This is more about, are you going to spend some time in Eve during Christmas season? And are you looking for a new home, too?

I am not promising you, that there are some wrapped presents lying under the tree for you. But I am promising you, that we will take the time for an interview, when you join our recruiting channel. But a pre-requisite is, that you also talk to us, to have a conversation :slight_smile:

Maybe the present for you can be to become a member of HOO.

Fly safe o7

2 more days to Christmas… Can’t wait to get my presents :slight_smile:

here we go… Christmas is over for 2024 and the new year is ahead of us. I hope you had a great time and a lot of nice presents.

Did you know, that we have a activity called ‘Secret Santa’? Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? :wink:

It is 6th of January, 2025. Since 6 days The Initiative. has resetted the standings with all other alliances. Adventures times are lying ahead of us and the future looks very interesting.

If you believe, this is an adventure you would like to participate, now is a good time to hook into our recruiting channel ‘Thunderkitty’.

See you there.

Sunday evening and I have to greet you with a warning.
If you haven’t updated to Windows 11 24H2, don’t do it. The latest Windows build causes a lot of trouble. Not only in Eve. I updated my Windows in November 2024 and one freeze, followed by a BSOD after the other as soon as I logged in with more than 4 clients at the same time.

It doesn’t have to affect everyone but I got some feedback from at least 10 people, who had issues with it.

Consider this as a friendly service from us and maybe we see each other in our recruiter channel ‘Thuderkitty’.

Fly safe and stable o7

If you are wondering yourself, if I am using AI for all my texts above… No, I don’t. I believe, AI would do a much better job… However, we are still open for new members, should you be interested.

Just join our recruiting channel in Eve

See you there

Life has changed, since we have resetted our standings. It is so much more interesting and fun. No day is passing by without a fight. If this is something, that could be interesting for you, then join our recruiting channel ‘Thunderkitty’. We are still open but limited for recruitment.

Do you think, EVE can be won? If yes, what would be your winning condition? If EVE can’t be won, what is driving you to play it and continue doing so?

I know, what is driving me. It is to meet the corp colleagues and from the alliance. Seeing their names online and in fleet. Having a conversation here and there in local. The mutual respect and the way we take care of each other.

You want to be part of this experience? Meet us in our recruiting channel ‘Thunderkitty’. Let’s have a nice conversation and see where it leads to.

Fly safe