[EUTZ/USTZ] HOO as Corp in Init. is looking for active players

You know, real life has you in its ice cold grip, when you don’t even find the time to bump this posting here and there… But it is also a good reminder, that you should check in to EVE… It is also a good reminder for you, that we currently only have limited recruiting and that you, yes you, might be the right candidate to join us.

If you don’t know, where you can find us, just join ‘Thunderkitty’ in the game

see you there o7

I had 10 days time to get an idea, what to write again to bump this topic to the top again. But I don’t have to make things up for a bump.

I am writing about the best corp in Eve as member of the best alliance. Not much else to say than, come to Thunderkitty and lets have an interview there. We are currently limited recruiting but maybe you are the pilot we want to call a HOO member.