I’ve been having this issue with the launcher since it was rolled out. I have tried uninstalling, deleting any left over files and reinstalling but this has not fixed the issue.
About 50% of the time, I will start my clients from the launcher. Usually only 2 or 3 clients will start and the rest will be blocked as the client randomly decides to download an update. I cannot launch the remaining clients until I close the other ones.
This happens almost every day, even if I have already downloaded updates earlier. I have even left the launcher running for hours before logging in a client and it still happened.
They do not appear to be the usual client updates as the launcher will fix itself within a few seconds after I close all my clients without appearing to download anything.
This is what appears in the log after I close my clients and let the launcher download its mystery update:
download-from-manifest app The manifest contained no entries to download { cdn: 1 }
download-from-manifest app The manifest contained no entries to download { cdn: 2 }
download-from-manifest app The manifest contained no entries to download { cdn: 2 }
download-from-manifest app The manifest contained no entries to download { cdn: 2 }
I have submitted multiple bug reports in the launcher but have never heard anything back from CCP about this. so I’m posting here in the hope that someone can look into this as it is rather frustrating.
I have this issue on 1 out of 3 machines and i can’t pinpoint any difference in how Eve is setup on them. What i do on the affected machine to get around it: i startup 2 clients and mostly one will start up and the other one will error out due to the updates then finally starting. I then end the starting of those two clients and wait until the launcher is ready with the updates. Then it works for the rest of the day. Really annoying.
Work around:
At 1100 Eve, shut down the launcher.
At 1105 Eve or later, start the launcher.
Wait ~1 minute before using the launcher.
Manually check the update line if an update is ongoing, the Play Now button will NOT grey out.
This is not working on the machine i described. I can stop and start the launcher and let it sit. It will do nothing before i do not start a client and then the startup will fail, but the update will run. So i have to kill the client starting up and wait until update is finished.
After playing around with the launcher I’ve figured out how to reproduce this bug reliably.
Clicking the ‘Play Now’ button on multiple accounts in quick succession causes the bogus update bug to appear. Launch groups can sometimes cause this to happen as well.
Closing the active clients and letting the bogus update run and then trying to quickly launch them all again doesn’t trigger another update but instead runs normally.
Launching one client, waiting for 10s or so and then rapidly launching the rest will work fine without the bug appearing.
So for now I have adjusted the launch group start delay from the default 2s to 4s and if I am launching clients individually then I guess I will just need to try and remember not to rapid fire launch everything at once.
Where starting in October-ish, launch groups would randomly include several instances where they say a client is running, but nothing for it would show, and it could not be closed or re-launced via the EVE launcher. It was somewhat tricky originally to find and close the ‘stuck’ client (using Task Manager).
Then there was a period of about 3 weeks (for me) from approx. late Nov. to early Dec., where none of the clients I launched (I launch in groups of 5, 4 or 3 accounts) got stuck. Then for the past 3-4 weeks, I’m back to getting stuck clients again, but now the launcher has been adjusted so you can just click on the “Client is running” flag in the EVE launcher and it will shut the stuck client down, and you can re-launch.
So it’s possible CCP is attempting various things with the launcher but it isn’t ‘fixed’ yet. Or of course it’s possible CCP isn’t even aware of the issues they’re creating with various changes to the launcher. Hopefully it stabilizes soon.