EVE_NT London - Saturday November 18th 2017

7o I’ll be there for my first EVE Meet :smiley:


I’ll jump on a plane and get there for a case of beer myself


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I’ll try get there a lot earlier than last time-I’m very easy to spot after all :smiley:

2 weeks to go!!

I managed to find some cheap plane tickets and a place to crash. So I will be there. :parrot:

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I’ll be there! First EVE Meet :grin:

Hotel and Coach booked I will be there :smile: I am very excited the wife does not let me out much on my own :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ll be there in the afternoon - Aquitaine Holdings (Industrialist Corp in Outer Ring)

As above; afternoon - Aquitaine Holdings (Industrialist Corp in Outer Ring)

I shall be in attendance.

+1 for the afternoon start.

I’m sure this will be a unique experience for you @ypsiloon :parrotbeer:

I Will Be there, Got some Corp Members going too… :grin:

I am planning to be attending, first time to this event. Amsterdam has got me hooked.

Jump clone installed and ready for action! :slight_smile:
Expecting to find some corp members already docked up.

Im coming, please be gentle :slight_smile:

Edit : Or not :frowning:

Thanks for the fantastic event - a shame I had to leave earlier than I was expecting…

I got there and in the end, I had a good time.

It was still a bit (read: quite a lot) cliquey and a little daunting to walk into but I did get to chat with some okay people who didn’t recoil in abject horror when I confessed to being a miner and a bit of a Carebear (and yes, I’m actually okay with this title thank you…)

I even managed to chat to some guys from the Mercenary Coalition, which for me is a bit like talking to the gamer equivalent of the Hells Angels (and one of them actually did look quite a lot like one for what it’s worth - Yikes!).

They all had MC/Eve branded shirts on with monogrammed character names which was fairly impressive. They did laugh a fair bit (although not too harshly …) when I told them my corporation has 10 people in it. I think MC has about 600’ish people in it and about 1500 main characters and alts … wow!

I left a bit earlier than I’d have liked to (I had to go and shoot tennis at the O2 in Greenwich - I’m a photographer) but I will definitely get to the next one.

< smiles > If any of the MC guys happen to read this, joking apart, it was genuinely nice to meet you guys. Sorry for the lack of intel @Pestily but you really will have to know me much much better to get that. Fly safe!