Eve Online Astronomy Club

Does it have Fusion Drive? I’m no rocket scientist but I’m going to guess that they need fusion power to break the light speed barrier.

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A star creates photons that travel away from the center of the star’s core at the speed of light and takes millions of years to finally reach the surface of the star and then into space.

That is the question asked by a physicist in Germany, who has calculated the lower limit for the lifetime of the photon to be three years in the photon’s frame of reference. This translates to about one billion billion (1018) years in our frame of reference.

A flashlight will only create light for as long as there is battery power available. What type of stored battery cell does the light photon draw upon and how is that energy source stored? Or, is there some exotic interaction taking place between space-time and the photon’s components that allows the photon to harvest small amounts of energy from space-time, much like the solar panel harvests photons for electricity.

Theory says that for an object to reach the speed of light, an infinite source of energy is needed. Looking at the light photon again, it’s life span is one billion billion (1018) years in our frame of reference. With such a long life span of being nearly infinite, in order for the light photon to live that long, it would have to be much larger, unless the light photon, like I said, interacts with space-time, in some manner that allows the light photon to syphon off small amounts of mass to create mass that is shed so fast, that the mass might not even register on any science equipment. If such an interaction between a light photon and space-time does exist, then figuring out the interaction would allow ships to generate their own space-time source of electrical power, along with possibly being able to generate one hundred trillion trillion, single light photon reactions per second that could be used as a propellant in a ship’s engine.

What is the lifetime of a photon? – Physics World What is the lifetime of a photon? – Physics World

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If a wormhole is able to be created in Primordial space-time, would a ship be able to reach the speed of infinity, which is the absolute top speed obtainable.

If a region of space-time can have all of the mass removed from the atoms to keep the atoms from interacting with object A attempting to enter a wormhole located in the region void of atoms with mass, could it be possible for the wormhole to harvest the massless atoms as fuel for the operation of the wormhole?

Would a wormhole function in the region of space void of atoms with mass?

I’m not certain what type of drive they would need to use at the moment.

Lichtenberg Effect and the Big Bang

A Lichtenberg figure (German Lichtenberg-Figuren ), or Lichtenberg dust figure , is a branching electric discharge that sometimes appears on the surface or in the interior of insulating materials. Lichtenberg figures are often associated with the progressive deterioration of high voltage components and equipment. The study of planar Lichtenberg figures along insulating surfaces and 3D electrical trees within insulating materials often provides engineers with valuable insights for improving the long-term reliability of high-voltage equipment. Lichtenberg figures are now known to occur on or within solids, liquids, and gases during electrical breakdown.

In the video below you can see the Lichtenberg Effect for yourself.

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You will notice that some of the discharges seem to create a typewriter type of effect in so much as starting from point A and then moving back and forth between point A.

Look at the black mark on the left side of the figure frame, trace a straight line from the mark to about 3" and then down a half inch. Watch the triangle looking shape. Discharge takes place at the triangle and seems to move around the triangle in a counterclockwise rotation.

At the moment of the Big Bang, a similar effect could have taken place in the Universe. Bolts of electricity, billions of time more powerful than we could conceive, are jolting out and across space-time. The heat generated from the bolts would be more than enough to excite atoms and even the components that comprise atoms into becoming active and then bonding to create atoms.

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Scientists find the originating point of the Sun’s magnetic field.

Scientists a step closer to unraveling mystery of sun’s magnetic field | CNN


That’s being devoted to educational videos… Although he also made it near Pamplona which is a beautiful place.

Now, someone could do this video in Australia… The desolate desert environment would add an extra meaning to the trip, since space is just a whole lot of nothing…


(20+) Facebook
GAIA documentary
Pyramid Power Revealed
Are the pyramids portals, power plants, or consciousness-expanding devices?

The pyramids are portals, power-plants of the imagination that fuels the consciousness and subconsciousness that powers the gate between the human mind and the minds of God and Creation.

Promethium revolution: How a new rare earth element is set to transform technology

Promethium revolution: How a new rare earth element is set to transform technology (msn.com)

Hopefully Promethium will boost computer capacitor and processing abilities 10 fold.

A question. If twenty micro black holes along the same line are activated and are kept active in small bursts and are the then spiraled away from the line, like a pinwheel tube shape, will the space in the tube be free of matter for a few seconds allowing an object to achieve greater velocities due to less mass being present in the path of the object?

After speaking with my uncle yesterday when he explained how an oval cut to remove a tumor was better than a circular cut, I realized the reason why. An oval cut allows the cut lines to be pulled together to form a straight line during the stitching up process. A circular cut would only bunch the skin up at the wound site.

The same holds true for seamless entry into FTL space or space that has had most of the mass removed from atoms. As the ship is traveling through FTL space the oval will zipper open in front of the object and cause some of the atoms to travel along a line tangent to the curve of the oval before heading away from the ship. A circular field might allow the atoms to curve around the chord of circle that would cause increased mass and the ship to slow down. Actually an oval field would be best while ship was in flight to reduce atomic mass build-up. When the ship was wanting to be slowed down, the oval field would convert to a spherical field that would allow more mass at the fronts, sides, top, bottom and aft, to assist in slowing the ship down as the field would not strip mass from as many atoms needed to have the mass stripped like the oval field does,

This will help determine what an alien might look like. I was watching a video about Jupiter basically squeezing and pulling on Europa, much like a heart pumps. How many other moons orbiting planets in the Sol system have a planetary heartbeat? Does Earth have a heartbeat like Europa has? Does a heartbeat planet or moon create alterations in space-time that effects the development of life on a habitable world? How many heartbeat moons and planets are needed to develop life on a habitable heartbeat planet? Does the number of heartbeat moons and planets in a solar system determine how the life on the heartbeat planet develops? How do the orbit patterns of a heartbeat habitable planet and heartbeat moons in a Heartbeat Solar System interact with each other as the bodies orbit the sun, what geometric patterns of developing life are present? Correlate all of that into an overlay to determine if a solar system could be a possible Heartbeat Solar System.

Earth every 26 seconds had been recorded.

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So the Earth pulses like a heart every 26 seconds due to the sun?

There is a page on NASA about it, Schumann resonanc!

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Planet Nine: Is the search for this elusive world nearly over? (msn.com)

Deep in the outer reaches of the solar system — so far away from the known planets that the sun would barely be distinguishable from a nearby star — a massive, icy world may be lurking in the shadows, waiting to be discovered by humanity.

And the day that we finally find this elusive planet may be coming soon, thanks to a state-of-the-art telescope that will begin scanning the sky next year.

If you look at the image of the solar system, Planet 9 could be best located by monitoring the orbits of 2013 RF98 and 2004 VN112. If Planet 9 does exist based on the image of the solar system in the article, the movement of P9, left or right along a line with the Sun being one point and P9 being the second point. If the orbits of both objects are pulled right, more than the gravity of the Sun normally hammer throws both objects, or should, then an objected is pulling on both objects. Vice versa when P9 moves to the left in its orbit around the Sun.

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Five Year Anniversary of Eve Online Astronomy Club is coming up in a month.

Thanks for all of the contributions to discussions in this thread.


Another piece of art transformed from artifacts found in photos taken of stars through my telescope.

Creations Life Smith


Creations Life Smith

Creations Life Smith

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New Simulation Shows How Aliens Could Be Proliferating Very Slowly Throughout The Universe (msn.com)

Interesting. If the model in the article is accurate, then alien life across the galaxy might not be that far away and could be developing at the same pace that we are. If alien life is proliferating across the galaxy at the same rate Earth is, then an outside intelligence is raising life in our galaxy at the same time.

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@DrysonBennington helli, I hold great news that time travel actually works and the example that was written in the past was brought to the present space time.

Let me know if you wish to know how it is achieved as I am very excited to share.

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Sementics is not proof of time travel.

A person being able to time travel is ifinitely improbable and not possible. Repacing the time travel with Deja Vue is just as terrible when playing a thinking game. Generalists often times use the same non-specific and generalized words to create associations as well.