EVE Online – July Status Update

TLDR; ■■■■■■■■ marketing speak and excuses for the terrible changes made to the game since Fall of 2018.


And the EVE Academy lacks so many things that are essential things for an academy. For instance:

Right now, the Academy is more like pre-school.

And why is this topic in Slow Mode? Do you want discussion and feedback or not?


Doesn’t look any better since my last post on the industry update forum


I really hope this isn’t coming too late… for the sake of the game.

It wasn’t just scarcity itself, but the ham-handed way in which things were done. Belts and rats, for example - almost an afterthought, and certainly devoid of creativity.

Incidentally, will be doing a pass on the recent Industry changes, that have decimated anything by T1 production? (See MER for details.)


Hardly. These anoms probably won’t allow cynos because they need to be gated or something to prevent subcaps from ratting there. And you probably won’t be able to warp inside to prevent shenanigans, like in event sites.

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Honestly, Q4 2021 is far too little, far too late.

The rate at which we are going, the game is not going to last into Q4…


I think good we have a for sure end date now to look forward to. Ice, moon, gas compression will be a huge quality of life improvement especially with the new reactions required. Should give us more great discussions on the forum to share wine and cheese together.



When are you people finally gonna do something for lowsec, its dead af, its nothing more than big alliances fueling ground.


EVE needs something new in the universe, not just small adjustments on the all known issues. Yes it’s great job that you CCP want to make EVE more healthier for all veterans, and especially to attract new players, but as a player for this game for 4 years, I want to see something new, something that can make me feel I live another life, not just log in a game.


We just got something new. It’s called Pochven and it’s a smashing success. :innocent:

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@CCP_Dopamine most of us are excited to hear from you and stoked about the possibilities of all the things you mentioned.

Thanks for giving us some perspective and insight into the future.


We don’t need another sandbox, we need new toys to play with in the sandbox we already have.


Scarcity kind of killed the game for me, changing scarcity after I am no longer playing is rather like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. I played to relax and have fun, not to feed into some self flagellation because devs think people are not playing the game they way they wanted them to. The manufacturing changes to feed the market game or the market game to feed manufacturing, boring outside of the null power block manufactures and marketeers.


Sounds decent. Could we please get -

Upgrades for gas harvesting. Kinda crazy we don’t have them.

A small (frigate or destroyer sized) boosting ship for gas huffing. This could be done by adding more high slots to the prospect along with bonuses. You would of course have to make harvesters take a slot so you couldn’t just fit an excessive amount of them. Or an entirely new ship that can boost with bonuses and harvest gas but not something big and slow like a porpoise or orca. Small and quick is the key here.

A dedicated salvage ship that is smaller and quick. Frigate size would be great. I know you can use a catalyst or ect ect but they’re slow and fail to much which is annoying. The noctis is cool and all but insanely slow to move around and frustrating to use.

These are some of the things I’ve found myself wishing for while harvesting wh gas. I would like to salvage wrecks but using a noctis is not an option because it’s slow and we don’t need that much room for salvaged stuff. Plus it would be cool to have a quick ninja salvaging ship for war areas. A smaller boosting ship even if limited to t1 boosts would be great for productivity.

I mean we all know when @CCP_Rattati is involved any mention of “balance” really means “nerf” so they will definitely be nerfing mining ships in the next quadrant.

Rorqual and Orcas will definitely have their mining ability completely removed.


Ore carriers & supers when, i want to launch fighters that are mini ventures and procurers. make them the industrial behemoths. and the rorqual back to support.

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Scarcity needs to end now, not in a few months from now. Everything else is just frosting, what you need is bigger ships how about some new empire battleships with new metrics, some super Titans for those buggers out in Null to play with. Maybe bring in actual hole control for those people who love to live in those holes. You know change it up instead of punishing the majority of the player base with naff nerfs that destroy your PCU.


Some good news for a change, hopefully we won’t be waiting to much longer for this.


I would like to comment on both T2 hull changes (not happening yet) and mining changes.

In the ‘A significant update to Industry’ news article in 2021-03-26, after announcing the new reactions and components for T1 ship building, it was stated that “This new update will be expanded to all Tech II ships in the future.”

Now we get “The current state of T2 ship industry is good and there are no plans on making any immediate changes on that front.” From this I can only guess that at the outcomes resulted from the industry changes:

  1. That the industry changes hit harder than expected
  2. Industry players changed roles or downsized production
  3. That the players are no longer willing to pay the increased prices for T2 ships

These are both a reflection of what CCP have stated, that the industry changes will lead to market volatility for the next 3-6 months.

Concerning Mining ship changes, please CCP keep in mind that some of us don’t run multiple accounts and so solo players may need the orca to not be significantly changed in the future. If miners are not to be pushed out of business even more then we need to be able to spend hours collecting resources rather than 18 minutes if using a barge.

I appreciate this wonderful and diverse game so thank you CCP for the effort you put into making it so diverse, I don’t envy your job!


Hmmm, looks like an update I don’t have anything to whine about? Is it Christmas time already?