First of all a little disclaimer: I know that the EVE Soundtrack and Expansion music is on Soundcloud ( and there has been posts about this topic in the past.
I just think it would be a fairly big Quality-Of-Life deal to add it to Spotify. I really enjoy listening to the music from EVE when I’m not playing the game (be it working or cooking or what-not). Soundcloud is really suboptimal - especially for when on-the-go (you can’t cache playlists in the app so you need to be online and stream the entire time, something that Spotify has solved years ago).
I hope it wouldn’t be too much of an issue resolving this suggestion.
All I want is a physical disc of the Iceland Symphony playing EvE music. Spotify would also be nice too. I would think that this would sell like mad if it was on the EvE store. Thanks