make npc space more crowded,add some npc stations to certain regions.
bring back weaponized capture system so shoot with guns ihub/tcu.
make entosising ihub/tcu with capitals more interessing like damage/rate of fire boost during entosis cycle done with capital ship
bring back conquerable stations but in citadel mode,so conquerable citadels (not destructible variants) you have to shot shield armor hull to reinforce it then shot second time for capture, reinforcement timer would be 48-72 hours.
bring to life small structures sush player FOBs (forward operation base) an structure weaker than astrahus,providing basic docking tethering fitting services no defenses,just oversized mobile depot with docking ability so you can fit ships there and undock to fight.
limit player FOBs to 5 per system per corporation to not block the system out of potential invaders
rework exploration in nullsec,make pvp more valued for pvers/explorers… if theres constellation with i.e 6 systems and there are constant fights in 2 systems the other 4 systems get benefit in increased pve payouts. systems with alot of pvp ongoing should have dynamic spawn of data/relic systems to encourage people to go explore conflict zones.
replace removed empty asteroid belts with static deadspace pockets with dynamic spawns of asteroids/npcs but restrict use - no offensive capitals (rorquals would be ok but there could be gas cloud that could reduce drone mining yield so barges/ventures would be more value there.
deprecate poses but let player deploy the pos guns as mobile turrets that would require fuel blocks and ammo to operate,no reinforcement timer and little less shield/armor/hull. plus 50% hull remaining gun turret rate of fire will be reduced and at 25% damage reduced.
If we get a tournament system it solves all the problems. More fighting over more hours and less over-popped systems with TIDI lag suck-ness-monster. In most players there is the desire to grow into a leadership role or FC, and with the current blocks these positions are unattainable. Most of the new comers into Sovereignty are perpetually over-pressured and turning to in-fighting and eventual dissolve. This proposal is a mathematical solution to valuated social factors and would set a precedent in the entire gaming world for mixed-sandbox territory control.
No, they aren’t. The big blocs are always looking for people willing to do the work to FC or serve in various roles. There is no dearth of space work anywhere for folks who want to get involved and get going.
This might be the highest per capita number of brand new alt accounts used to pump up a terrible idea that I have ever seen on these forums. Congrats? I guess?
Personally, I would like to see Sovereignty go right back to first principles and work through the mechanics again. But that is a huge issues and I may be a little unrealistic here.
Coppola300 here. Coming back to the game after a 4 year (break) A lot has already changed, and this proposal is simply unprecedented. That being said I have to give Mr. JetCanPlumber a lot of credit not only for taking the time to come up with this complex change of game mechanics in null sec, but for thinking outside the eve box so to speak. I have to agree that null sec has become so dull and robotic. The first day i came back to eve i flew a shuttle 300 jumps all around the southern null sec sovs and renter systems and NEVER RAN INTO ONE SHIP. No gate camps, no pvp groups, no nothing. Even the rats were scarce… That’s not what eve should be at this moment after almost 20 years of constant development. I have to say that most of this is, in fact, due to reasons stated (and unstated) in Mr JetCanPlumbers assessment of the current state of things. This new proposal is indeed radical, But when did conservitism ever push the world into a new state of existence. Suffice it to say I give (at least in general concept) this proposal a green light. I strongly recommend re-reading this article and considering the long term ramifications of such a change in mechanics (for the good of eve). Thank you Mr JetCanPlumber for your dedication and loyalty to Eve Online. We need more people like you. -Coppola Out.
I’m sorry but this post has 3,365 words and 19,531 characters, I’m not reading this when describing very complicated stuff. It’s just too much, if i read all this when I finish I will have already have forgetten the beggining of this text
Okay so they raise the monthly cost and now you found a way to lose more money daily. Eve is becoming PokemonGo. Sorry multi accounts is costly and now you want to increase cost of being in the system too. Geez again another bad idea going down the ice slide from CCP. They need to take a vacation someplace warm and get some better ideas their brains are getting frostbite.
If demand is higher for ore and materials than the value of the sov is higher as well. It all balances out. Filling your material vat’s is optional after all.
Make structure timers a lot lower in null or remove them entirely. The amount of space that an alliance can hold would shrink based on realtime holding ability and allow other alliances to literally form up and smash. It would completely remove the stagnation of timers and we would see a much more fluid null.
This game needs to make pathing built in to the game that leads not into epic arc scavenger hunts, but a reasonable amount of time in a high-sec learning to fly and shoot and survive, and then on a clockwork design, be placed out in to pressure positions under basic guarantees of minimums. This fixes the lack of pressure on the map that lead the game into giant snowballing blue coalition blocks.
CCP can double their interest levels with an exact implementation of this feature. The game would be less of an obsession with over-hyped over attended showdowns, and more about the slow roll fighting out there in null-sec. CCP can easily increase game awareness and tournament style excitement by using a camera team to demo fights that happened within the last hour all over the map and feature alliances who participate in them.
Do it one of two ways: Either add space for the new system like a new outer ring, or give all 0.0 nullsec structures a full evac to highsec with rigs non-destroyed, then let people drop bids to be a holder and start on the first cycle. There is not a better feature plan that addresses all the problems that arise from human nature and its effects on the meta game here in Eve Online.
An easy solution would be to just have a hard reset in all of new eden every year thats NPC driven where they attack SOV and take sov and you the player/corp/alliance need to fight and or retake your space