Eve University- Free Public Classes on everything EVE!

This is a preliminary overview of University classes and Events scheduled for the week of Monday, 06th July. All dates are subject to change at the discretion of the lecturer and/or teaching staff. All times are specified in EVE time. All classes are open to the public unless specified otherwise.

Tuesday, 07 July
02:00 - Lowsec roam with Fweddit

19:00 - Tackle Tuesday: is it a bot?
or is it not?
This is an exercise for 1vs1 and group tackle practice, you will learn the basics of manual piloting, spiraling, keeping a steady range and doing scram passes in a group.

Thursday, 09 July
00:00 - Game Mechanics
Weekly Game mechanics Q&A
(Only once weekly for the moment)

09:00 - Intro to Missions
Come and learn about the various types of missions, and how to become a mission runner.

10:00 - [CLASS} EVE Online Q&A
A generic EVE Online Q&A for capsuleers to come along and ask any questions they have about the game, their fits, their skill plans etc

19:00 - Core Introduction to Exploration
CORE Introduction to Exploration will teach you the basics of the exploration mechanics in EVE Online, what ships to use to start out, how to find signatures, and what skills will help you! (TO MAKE LOTS OF ISK)
The theoretical class by Hippla Tsero will be complemented by a practical demonstration of scanning and hacking by Pingu Chieve.
Follow via Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hipplatsero

Friday, 10 July

19:00 - HSC L4 Dysfunctional Fleet
Weekly L4 mission fleet in Amygnon, kitchen sink, newbros welcome in cruiser + (BLAP Caracal/Vexor)

Saturday, 11 July
01:00 - HSC Fight Club
HSC fight Club hosted by KPYTOE KOPOBO For reference here is good post to look at HSC Fight Club. Contracts should be available but it never hurts to bring your own ship

11:00 - Neurodiversity coffee morning
Pull up a chair, grab a coffee and lets have a chat:
This event is aimed at those with ASD, anxiety, or other variations, but everyone is welcome. Please read the rules in the forum post before you attend.

20:00 - WorldWar Chap. | Fundraise Fleet

Sunday, 12 July
20:00 - Introduction to Industry
Most items in New Eden are player made – learn how to be a part of that! Learn about blueprints and what you can do with them, an introduction to reactions, and a discussion on industry related skills.
And while listening to the lecture and participating in Q&A – build something with the practical component of the class!

As always, all classes can be found on the EVE University calendar and our forums. In addition to out public classes and events we have regular private content for Members only. For information on how to join EVE University, please see Applying to EVE University.

If you wish to contribute to the University by hosting classes of your own, please see Joining the Faculty.