EVE University - free public classes on everything EVE!

Preliminary Class Overview for the week of Monday, March 11

This is a preliminary overview of University events and classes scheduled for the week of Monday, March 11. All dates are subject to change at the discretion of the lecturer and/or teaching staff. All times are specified in EVE time. All classes are open to the public unless specified otherwise.

Tuesday, March 12


===Singularity Server===
Class lecture is open to all.
Singularity pilots can fly the practical.

Wednesday, March 13

03:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics

[Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

19:30 - [CLASS] Introduction to HSC

This course is designed primarily for covering the basic information about the EVE University High Security Campus.
The aim of the course is to inform capsuleers about the High Security Campus and its services as well as the activities and daily operations around HSC.

Thursday, March 14

02:00 - [Class] PvP 101

Friday, March 15

02:00 - [CORE] Introduction to Exploration

An introduction to Exploration, scanning and the hacking mini-game.

Saturday, March 16

13:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

17:00 - [CLASS] Intro to EVE University

  • How EVE University is set up - Departments and Management
    - Communications in EVE University - Forum/Calendar/Mumble/Wiki
    - EVE University Services and how to make use of them
    - Participating in EVE University fleets and events
    - Campuses
    - Wartime in EVE University
    - Titles and Progression
    - Q&A - bring your questions about the UNI and how to get the most from your experience here

20:00 - [Event] Meet the founder

Meet the founder of EVE University! Morning Maniac will be available on our Public Mumble

Sunday, March 17

19:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

As always, all classes can be found on the [url=http://calendar.eveuniversity.org/]EVE University calendar[/url] and our [url=http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewforum.php?f=72]forums[/url]. If you wish to receive these overviews straight to your EVE inbox, you can subscribe to the Classes.E-UNI mailing list using the "Add Mailing List" button in the bottom left corner of the EVE Mail window.
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Preliminary Class Overview for the week of Monday, March 25

This is a preliminary overview of University events and classes scheduled for the week of Monday, March 25. All dates are subject to change at the discretion of the lecturer and/or teaching staff. All times are specified in EVE time. All classes are open to the public unless specified otherwise.

Monday, March 25

23:30 - [CORE] Introduction to EWAR

Thursday, March 28

20:00 - [CORE] Introduction to D-Scan

[CORE] 2019-03-28 20:00 Introduction to D-Scan

Forum Link

Intro to D-Scanning ,
The directional scanner can be used either defensively with full range and angle (allowing the user to see all ships or probes that may pose threat), or offensively to gather intel on things that are off grid.</

As always, all classes can be found on the EVE University calendar and our forums. If you wish to receive these overviews straight to your EVE inbox, you can subscribe to the Classes.E-UNI mailing list using the “Add Mailing List” button in the bottom left corner of the EVE Mail window.

Preliminary Class Overview for the week of Monday, April 8

This is a preliminary overview of University events and classes scheduled for the week of Monday, March 8. All dates are subject to change at the discretion of the lecturer and/or teaching staff. All times are specified in EVE time. All classes are open to the public unless specified otherwise.

Wednesday, April 10

03:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

17:00 - [CLASS] Pod Saver

Saturday, April 13

13:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

Sunday, April 14

19:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

20:00 - [Q&A] EVE University

Ever wondered how to participate in corp? Got a question about rules? What about titles? Got an idea for something great but you are not sure where to start? Did you know that you can totally fly stealth bombers and caps? Ever wondered what a director does all day long?

Join us and ask

As always, all classes can be found on the EVE University calendar and our forums. If you wish to receive these overviews straight to your EVE inbox, you can subscribe to the Classes.E-UNI mailing list using the “Add Mailing List” button in the bottom left corner of the EVE Mail window.

Preliminary Class Overview for the week of Monday, April 15

This is a preliminary overview of University events and classes scheduled for the week of Monday, April 15. All dates are subject to change at the discretion of the lecturer and/or teaching staff. All times are specified in EVE time. All classes are open to the public unless specified otherwise.

Tuesday, April 16

18:00 - [CORE] Introduction to Exploration

You want to get rich or explode trying? Ever wondered how that probelauncher of yours works? Say no more my friend! This is the class for you!
Introduction to Exploration teaches you the basics of the exploration system in EVE Online, what ships to use to start out, how to find signatures, and what skills will help you!

Wednesday, April 17

18:00 - [CLASS] 2019-04-17 Introduction to CCI

Come to Introduction to Cross Campus Initiative (CCI) class, and we’ll explain what this program is all about, how to participate in the program and the rewards associated with it.
Instructor: Croixant
When: Wednesday April 17th, 1800 EVE Time
Where: Mumble and Class (EVE Uni)
Duration: 30 min + Q&A

Topics Covered:
Cross Campus Initiative

Thursday, April 18

17:00 - [CLASS] Logistics 101

Join the ranks of eve’s most beloved professionals! Become a Logipilot today!

19:00 - [CLASS] Fitting Workshop

Flex your theorycrafting muscles! Details in the forum thread:

Saturday, April 20

13:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

Sunday, April 21

14:00 - [Event] Guest speaker: Katia Sae

Come one, come all. Hear Katia Sae: Guest Speaker talk about their epic journey!

19:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

As always, all classes can be found on the EVE University calendar and our forums. If you wish to receive these overviews straight to your EVE inbox, you can subscribe to the Classes.E-UNI mailing list using the “Add Mailing List” button in the bottom left corner of the EVE Mail window.

Saturday, 04 May
17:00 - [CORE] Introduction to Fleets
1700 to 1745

May the 4th be with you! Join us for a CORE class, Introduction to Fleets.

Monday, 06 May
Hi Friends!

We are running again! And the only person missing is YOU. Yes, my friend “YOU”.

So please join and come to our fleets. We want you to be a part of Incursions Community and by doing so you will gain friendship and ISK.

For details, go to Slack, MOTD and EVE MAIL.

Take care my friend,

21:30 - [CLASS] Scouting 101
This class is a brief introduction to the role of scouting for Uni fleets and will provide an introduction to the following topics. It is an essential class for budding scouts, +1s and FCs
Time: 2019-05-06 @21:30
Duration: 1 hour +/- 20 min
Location: EUNI Public Mumble

Wednesday, 08 May
03:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics
[Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

19:00 - [Class] Pod Save/Warp out Weds
Pod Saver
Starter ships and tips on how to save your pod.

Thursday, 09 May
01:00 - [FLEET] Pikemen and Archers w/ Ged

Friday, 10 May
19:00 - [EVENT] Friday Night Fight Club
Come to Amygnon, fight your fellow Unistas in 1v1 T1 Frigates!
For the details visit the forum page Fight Club

How much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been in a fight?

Saturday, 11 May
13:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics
[Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

19:00 - [FLEET] HSC Saturday Mission Fleet
Garoun Investment Bank L4 Missions


Doctrine : TBD

Sunday, 12 May
19:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics
[Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

20:00 - [Q&A] EVE University
Ever wondered how to participate in corp? Got a question about rules? What about titles? Got an idea for something great but you are not sure where to start? Did you know that you can totally fly stealth bombers and caps? Ever wondered what a director does all day long?

Join us and ask

As always, all classes can be found on the EVE University calendar and our forums. If you wish to receive these overviews straight to your EVE inbox, you can subscribe to the Classes.E-UNI mailing list using the “Add Mailing List” button in the bottom left corner of the EVE Mail window.

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Monday, 13 May
19:00 - [Event] Football in SPAAACE
Form-up: Amygnon - Citadel 101
What to bring: Nothing!
Forum post: here

Disclaimer: the event doesn’t actually resemble football.

Tuesday, 14 May
01:00 - [FLEET] Kitchen Sink Frigates PvP Roam

Check contractrs for ships or fit your own.

Wednesday, 15 May
03:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics
[Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

Thursday, 16 May
13:00 - [Event] Abyss 3*man frigate lvl1 sites

Host: Turlough Dominian
17:00 - [Event] Abyss 3*man frigate lvl1 sites

Host: Turlough Dominian

Friday, 17 May
18:00 - [CLASS] Fitting Workshop
Flex your theorycrafting muscles! Details in the forum thread:

19:00 - [EVENT] Friday Night Fight Club
Come to Amygnon, fight your fellow Unistas in 1v1 T1 Frigates!
For the details visit the forum page Fight Club

How much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been in a fight?
20:00 - [Event] Karaoke

Saturday, 18 May
13:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics
[Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

19:00 - [FLEET] HSC Saturday Mission Fleet
Garoun Investment Bank L4 Missions


Doctrine : TBD

Sunday, 19 May
14:00 - [Guest Event] Broadcast 4 Reps
Channel: Class (EVE Uni)
Mumble: Public E-uni Mumble
Forum post

Guest speaker: Tovanis
Organised by Turlough Dominian
19:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics
[Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

As always, all classes can be found on the EVE University calendar and our forums. If you wish to receive these overviews straight to your EVE inbox, you can subscribe to the Classes.E-UNI mailing list using the “Add Mailing List” button in the bottom left corner of the EVE Mail window.

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Do we get free cookies :grin: at the end of each class?

Monday, 20 May
19:00 - [Fleet] Minmitar Monday.
Minmitar Cruisers and below. PvP fit, lets ROAM!
Leaving from Amygnon 101. Minmitar Monday.
20:30 - [CLASS] NPSI Logi 101: Cap Chain
[CLASS] NPSI Ash Tawate - Logi 101: Cap Chains and You!

Lecturer: Ash Tawate
Date: 2019-05-20 20:30:00
Location: Jita

Lecture Topics - to be followed by Q&A
1. 30 Minute Primer
2. Q&A on Logistics Cruisers T1&T2
3. Cap Chaining best practices


Tuesday, 21 May
18:30 - [FLEET] BLAP Merlins
Formup : Amygnon - Citadel 101

Destination. : Lowsec
Doctrine : BLAP Merlins
FC : Dexyr Sulvara

Please read the forum post for details.</fo

Wednesday, 22 May
03:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics
[Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

23:00 - [CLASS] Introduction to CCI
Come to the Introduction to Cross Campus Initiative (CCI) class and we’ll explain what this program is all about, how to participate in the program and the rewards associated with it.

Instructor: Croixant
Topics Covered:
Cross Campus Initiative

Thursday, 23 May
01:00 - [CLASS] Intro to Incursions

Introductory class to Incursions, and the E-Uni community that runs them. No prior experience required for the class. All are welcome.

Friday, 24 May
19:00 - [EVENT] Friday Night Fight Club
Come to Amygnon, fight your fellow Unistas in 1v1 T1 Frigates!
For the details visit the forum page Fight Club

How much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been in a fight?
21:00 - [Event] No Rest For Miners
Form-up: Shemah VIII - Moon 2 - Kador Family Bureau
What to bring: nothing!
Forum link: here

Saturday, 25 May
08:00 - [FLEET] AMC BLAP Merlins

Fc: Turlough Dominian
13:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics
[Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

19:00 - [FLEET] HSC Saturday Mission Fleet
Garoun Investment Bank L4 Missions


Doctrine : TBD
19:30 - [CLASSIFIED]

Sunday, 26 May
01:00 - [FLEET] Spider Tanking Prophecies w/ Ged
Spider Tanking LS BC roam in Amarr/Minmatar FW space with Spectre Fleet.

12:00 - [CLASSIFIED]

18:00 - [CLASS] Intro to Incursions

Introductory class to Incursions, and the E-Uni community that runs them. No prior experience required for the class. All are welcome.
19:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics
[Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

20:00 - [Event] Guest Speaker Maded Rift

21:00 - [CLASS] FCC Guest: Suitonia - PVP Huntin
Hunting / Tackling (for fun and profit)

FCC Guest Lecturer: Suitonia, Solo/Smolgang PVPer & Streamer
Where: Euni Public Mumble

Lecture Topics - to be followed by Q&A
A brief lecture and discussion on tactics for Hunting and Tackling in PVP.
1. Hunting Ships and how they differ for tackling
2. How to make the catch cloaked or uncloaked
3. How to stay alive after tackle

As always, all classes can be found on the EVE University calendar and our forums. If you wish to receive these overviews straight to your EVE inbox, you can subscribe to the Classes.E-UNI mailing list using the “Add Mailing List” button in the bottom left corner of the EVE Mail window.

Monday, 27 May
01:00 - [INC] Vanguard Fleet

Tuesday, 28 May
12:30 - [Event] Invasion incoming!

Don’t miss out on the new content this is an intel gathering excersise with a bit of messing thrown in
18:30 - [FLEET] BLAP Merlins
Formup : Amygnon - Citadel 101

Destination. : Lowsec
Doctrine : BLAP Merlins
FC : Dexyr Sulvara

Please read the forum post for details.
23:30 - [CLASS] PvP Fleet Conduct with merc452

Wednesday, 29 May
01:00 - [FLEET] Spider Tanking Prophecies w/ Ged
Spider Tanking LS BC roam in Amarr/Minmatar FW space with Spectre Fleet.

03:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics
[Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

19:00 - [CLASS] Introduction to CCI
Where: Public Mumble and Class (EVE Uni)
Duration: 30 min + Q&A

Instructor: Croixant
Topics Covered:
Cross Campus Initiative

Friday, 31 May
19:00 - [EVENT] Friday Night Fight Club
Come to Amygnon, fight your fellow Unistas in 1v1 T1 Frigates!
For the details visit the forum page Fight Club

How much can you know about yourself if you’ve never been in a fight?
21:30 - [Event] Battle Box

Saturday, 01 June
20:00 - [CLASS] FCC Guest: Virion - Booshing
Booshing - Command Destroyers and You

FCC Guest Lecturer: Virion, FC for Spectre Fleet, Boosher Extraordinaire
Where: Euni Public Mumble

Lecture Topics - to be followed by Q&A
A brief lecture and discussion on tactics for Booshing in PVP.
1. Basic Understanding of Booshing
2. Spear Fishing Tactics in Fleets
3. Ship Uses: Brawling, Probing Support, Hunting

When: Saturday, June 1, 2019
Where: Amygnon - Citadel 101

Sunday, 02 June
12:00 - [CLASSIFIED]

21:00 - [Event] Trivial Pursuits
Where: an on-demand channel in private Mumble comms
Forum post: here

As always, all classes can be found on the EVE University calendar and our forums. If you wish to receive these overviews straight to your EVE inbox, you can subscribe to the Classes.E-UNI mailing list using the “Add Mailing List” button in the bottom left corner of the EVE Mail window.

Monday, 03 June
21:00 - [FLEET] Corvette Rampage \o/
This is an ad-hoc fleet event, as I see nothing on the calendar this monday!

Where: Amygnon - Citadel 101
When: Monday, June 3rd
When: 21:00 EVE

What to bring: Clean clones! Then dock up, “Board your Corvette” and fit it however you want. Some webs will be nice!

We will roam lowsec with them. Anyone is free to join! The more the better!

Tuesday, 04 June
20:00 - [FLEET] Archers & Pikemen w Urbananana
Join me for an evening of love, blood, and casual PVP.

Wednesday, 05 June
03:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics
[Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

20:00 - [FLEET] ProtoFleet w Urbanananana

Join me for an evening of love, blood, and casual PVP.
23:00 - [CLASS} Introduction to CCI
Come to Introduction to Cross Campus Initiative (CCI) class, and we’ll explain what this program is all about, how to participate in the program and the rewards associated with it.

Where: Mumble and Class (EVE Uni)
Duration: 30 min + Q&A

Instructor: Croixant
Topics Covered:
Cross Campus Initiative

Thursday, 06 June
11:30 - [EVENT] Pilgrimage to EVE Gate
A tourist fleet to visit EVE gate and a couple of other sightseeing spots.

16:00 - [FLEET] [LSC] Lvl 4 Mission Evening
We needs security status
LSC needs salvage
We needs ISK
LSC needs meta modules
we need group pve
LSC needs you to buy it’s ammo
We need standings

Let’s benefit together!

We’ll begin at 16:00 and likely run up to 19:30

Bring/buy whatever you feel would work well.
20:00 - [Event} Survivor: New Eden Edition
Rescheduled from yesterday’s.

Form-up: Shemah VIII - Moon 2 - Kador Family Bureau
What to bring: nothing!
Forum link: here

Friday, 07 June

When: Friday, June 7, 2019 @ 21:00
Where: Amygnon - Citadel 101

Saturday, 08 June
13:00 - [Q&A] Game Mechanics
[Q&A] Game Mechanics

Weekly Game Mechanics Q&A session.

16:00 - [FLEET] [LSC] Lvl 4 Mission Evening
We needs security status
LSC needs salvage
We needs ISK
LSC needs meta modules
we need group pve
LSC needs you to buy it’s ammo
We need standings

Let’s benefit together!

We’ll begin at 16:00 and likely run up to 19:30

Bring/buy whatever you feel would work well.
18:00 - [GUEST LECTURE] Rahne - Advanced Logi
Come hear Rahne of Pandemic Legion, Alliance Tournament Commentator, speak about advanced logistics topics!

Sunday, 09 June
12:00 - [CLASSIFIED]

19:00 - [Event] Space football
Form-up: Amygnon - Citadel 101
What to bring: Nothing!
Forum post: here
20:00 - [Q&A] EVE University
Ever wondered how to participate in corp? Got a question about rules? What about titles? Got an idea for something great but you are not sure where to start? Did you know that you can totally fly stealth bombers and caps? Ever wondered what a director does all day long?

Join us and ask
22:00 - [Event] Canned Trivia
Canned Trivia

As always, all classes can be found on the EVE University calendar and our forums. If you wish to receive these overviews straight to your EVE inbox, you can subscribe to the Classes.E-UNI mailing list using the “Add Mailing List” button in the bottom left corner of the EVE Mail window.